Sliger, Wesley P.
A confluence of circumstances in educational policy and teacher preparation have placed a low priority on elementary science teacher preparation. Historically, a lack of elementary science teachers’ subject matter knowledge and pedagogical knowledge has negatively impacted science teaching self-efficacy, which is linked to many teacher and student ...
Sutphen, Maré E Ríos, Laura
Problem-solving serves a crucial role in learning physics, as it is required that students absorb laws, principles, and concepts and arrange their understanding in a structure accessible for application. Further, these arrangements necessarily include methods and strategies gained from past experience, required for the implementation of these struc...
Haack, Theresa
This dissertation looks at the impact of instructional leadership in mathematics teaching on teachers at various stages in their careers. Using a case study methodology, the researcher explores the nuanced needs and effective strategies for beginning, mid-career, and established teachers. Peer instructional leaders provided data that involved a mix...
Hill, Patricia Wonch Kelly, Grace M. McQuillan, Julia Ledesma, Jorge Melson, Miranda Gauthier, G. Robin
Building on previous research that demonstrates the association of youth experiences in afterschool science and higher science identities, this paper presents a network study of 421 middle school students that examines afterschool science participation, friendship ties, and science identities. Participation in afterschool science clubs is associate...
Gardner, Scott L. Gardner, Sue Ann
This is a textbook covering concepts in animal parasitology. It is meant to be used by students, teachers, professors, researchers, and members of the public who are interested in learning about animal parasite biology, systematics, taxonomy, zoogeography, and ecology. The primary intended audience is upper-level undergraduate or graduate universit...
Havstad, Josh
Sports analytics arrived in the mainstream media through the novel and film Moneyball. However, its origins date back to operations researchers following World War II. Often considered a subdiscipline of statistics, sports analytics draws from statistics but also includes concepts from data science, communication, and marketing. As a passionate fan...
Gardner, Sue Ann
Master bibliography for the open educational resource/open access textbook Concepts in Animal Parasitology, Scott L. Gardner and Sue Ann Gardner, editors, published by Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States, 2024. This includes the references from literature cited and suggested supplemental reading.
Larsen, Gretchen K.
Creative coding has become more common in art and new media schools, however research describing how teachers navigate the unique challenges of teaching code as a creative medium is limited. This paper presents the details of a creative coding course designed to support the ‘creative’ side of creative coding. As a result of this research, I present...
Leighty, Haeli
The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) has listed the inaccessibility of research related to misconceptions in atmospheric and climate science as a Geoscience Education Research Grand Challenge (Cervato et al. 2018). This project was a direct response to this call for research and consisted of three distinct steps: 1) data gathering...
García-Prieto, Luis Adán-Torres, Berenice Lagunas-Calvo, Omar García-García, Brenda Atziri
Chapter 26 in Concepts in Animal Parasitology on the order Lecanicephalidea Hyman, 1951 by Luis García-Prieto, Berenice Adán-Torres, Omar Lagunas-Calvo, and Brenda Atziri García-García. 2024. S. L. Gardner and S. A. Gardner, editors. Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. doi: 10.32873/unl.dc.ciap026