Le Bihan, Jean
Du lycéen boursier d’autrefois on se fait souvent une idée simple : celle d’un jeune homme d’origine modeste et accumulant les succès scolaires, qui, grâce à sa bourse, est parvenu à s’élever au sein de la société, qui, parfois, même, est devenu un intellectuel de renom, à l’instar de Péguy, de Pagnol ou de Camus. Sécrétée par l’idéologie mérito¬cr...
Le Bihan, Jean
Ce dictionnaire biographique intéresse 177 boursiers qui ont fréquenté le lycée de Rennes entre les années 1830 et les années 1890. Les matériaux ici rassemblés permettent d’appréhender finement les parcours scolaires et sociaux de ces élèves, dont les études au lycée de Rennes, qui étaient alors payantes, ont été complètement ou partiellement pris...
O'Neill, Desmond Zimmerman, Shelby Kelly, Brendan D Moss, Hilary
Published in
Irish journal of medical science
Zaccagnini, Marco Bussières, André Mak, Susanne Boruff, Jill West, Andrew Thomas, Aliki
Published in
Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice
Scholarly practitioners are broadly defined as healthcare professionals that address critical practice problems using theory, scientific evidence, and practice-based knowledge. Though scholarly practice is included in most competency frameworks, it is unclear what scholarly practice is, how it develops and how it is operationalized in clinical prac...
Novella Palomares, Yanira
[ES] Las becas para estudios postobligatorios que ofrece el Ministerio de Educación son ayudas económicas para los estudiantes universitarios o no universitarios. Estas becas tienen una cuantía fija y una variable para costear el precio de la matrícula del curso y otros aspectos como podría ser el transporte. Esas cuantías se fijan dependiendo de d...
Turner, Kristy L. He, Siyuan Marchegiani, Benedetta Read, Sofia Blackburn, Jessica Miah, Nyeema Leketas, Mantas
Published in
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
Electrochemistry education of future researchers and citizens is crucial if we are to decarbonise economies and reach targets for net zero. In this paper, we take an overview of electrochemistry within school education. We used curriculum documents obtained from national and state education department websites and from local teachers, examples of a...
Le Bihan, Jean
Cette contribution constitue le commentaire du compte rendu de la séance du Conseil supérieur de l’Instruction publique du 14 janvier 1881, durant laquelle se concrétise une nouvelle doctrine en matière d’attribution des bourses de l’enseignement secondaire. Parmi les membres du Conseil, le consensus s’opère sans difficulté quant au fait que le déf...
Keshmiri, Fatemeh
Published in
BMC Medical Education
Introduction The Educational Scholar Program (ESP) is a creative method to focus on the quality of education and the scholarship of education. This paper critically investigated how educational educators perceived the Educational Scholar Program. Method The ESP was developed according to the project-based learning method. An interdisciplinary strat...
Sezen-Barrie, Asli Carter, Lisa Smith, Sean Saber, Deborah Wells, Mark
Published in
Innovative higher education
This study focuses on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on research and scholarship at a research university in the United States. Building on studies in higher education policy, we conceptualized the COVID-19 pandemic as a 'wicked problem' that is complex, nonlinear, unique, and requiring urgent solutions. Wicked problems highlight pre-existing...
Mcgregor-Lowndes, Myles Hannah, Frances
High Court of New Zealand, Johnstone J, 13 September 2023
A charitable trust was varied to widen the catchment of applicants.