Ponte-González, Antonio D Guerrero-Morales, Ana L López-Ortiz, Geovani
RESUMEN Comúnmente se considera que la violencia es un problema de índole social cuyo abordaje se restringe únicamente a políticas públicas, por lo que su impacto en la salud ha sido poco estudiado en comparación con la magnitud del problema. En el caso de la violencia ejercida contra la mujer, se ha identificado que esta puede impactar negativamen...
Holanda Brito, Paloma Karen de Farias Carneiro, Açucena De Jesus Rocha Da Silva, Raquel Lunara Alves Barbalho, Isabela Gadelha de Lima, Mariana Alexandre Costa, Marzelo
Introduction:When facing breast cancer, patients and their loving ones experiment many changes in their lives filled with feelings such as fear, anguish, and sadness. In the light of this, the identification of the coping methods used to face breast cancer is crucial to provide a better experience for all those involved. Objective: To understand th...
Ros-Sánchez, Tania Abad-Corpa, Eva López-Benavente, Yolanda Lidón-Cerezuela, Maria Beatriz
Published in
Enfermeria clinica (English Edition)
This article aims to conceptually and methodologically analyse the use of Participatory Action Research (PAR), through field research, in order to increase knowledge about it, and to illustrate its strengths and weaknesses to encourage its use in Health Sciences. Within qualitative methodology, PAR can be used as a tool for the analysis of change a...
González-de la Mora, Víctor M.
Resumen La temática en salud de la mujer toca demasiados aspectos, desde el nacimiento hasta la senectud. Hay ciertas afecciones que están relacionadas con el sexo biológico, pero también con problemas de sexualidad, desigualdad social y muchos tipos de violencia. Por ello se requiere analizar y adaptar la información en materia de salud, para impl...
Lumbreras-Márquez, Mario I. Torre-León, Marcelo A. de la Hernández-Reguero, José L. Wilkins-Haug, Louise E. Seely, Ellen W.
Resumen Introducción: La enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) constituye la principal causa de mortalidad en mujeres; la preeclampsia (PE) y la diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG) están asociadas a incremento en el riesgo de ECV. Objetivo: Evaluar el conocimiento de los médicos generales (MG) sobre complicaciones obstétricas asociadas a ECV. Métodos: Se...
Lumbreras-Márquez, Mario I Torre-León, Marcelo A de la Hernández-Reguero, José L Wilkins-Haug, Louise E Seely, Ellen W
Published in
Gaceta medica de Mexico
Las estrategias de tamizaje para identificar ECV en mujeres con antecedentes de PE y DMG reportadas por los MG fueron variables.
Barros, Francisco Railson Bispo de da Silva Lima, Raquel Faria Magalhães, Vitória Mariana de Paula
Introduction: Health technologies refer to those tools that are used to care for and educate people. Given this concept, this review aims to identify scientific publications related to developing technologies for women’s health in Brazil. Materials and Methods: An integrative descriptive review was conducted through database consultations in the Br...
Ruiz-Cantero, María Teresa Blasco-Blasco, Mar
Published in
Gaceta sanitaria
To illustrate some gender challenges and contributions which are more frequent in research and health care through a chronic disease such as spondyloarthritis. Using two of the main identified gender biases in research and health care (de-contextualization of diseases, especially in women, and problem definition and knowledge production in women's ...
Barrera-Castillo, María Fernández-Peña, Rosario Del Valle-Gómez, María Del Olivo Fernández-Feito, Ana Lana, Alberto
Published in
Gaceta sanitaria
To explore the association between immigrant status and performance of pap-smear and mammography, and to study the potential effect of social integration on that association. Secondary analysis of the National Health Survey of Spain 2012. Individual data from 8944 women aged 18-75 were analyzed. Dependent variables were the performance of pap-smear...
Candila Celisa, Julia Medina Fernández, Josue Arturo Medina Fernández, Isai Arturo Yam Sosa, Antonio Vicente Gómez Aguilar, Patricia
OBJECTIVE. To characterize diabetes risk behaviors in adolescent overweighed and obsessed women that study in a junior public high school of sub urban zone of Merida, Yucatan. Methodology. Descriptive-Correlational with a sample of 50 female overweighed or obsessed adolescents who study in a public junior high school. Anthropometry data was quantif...