korel, vojtěch
V diplomové práci se autor zabývá průzkumem současného stavu zemědělských brownfieldů v České republice. První část práce se týká obecných informací o zemědělských brownfieldech, jakými jsou historický vývoj jejich vzniku, statistiky, příležitosti revitalizace těchto objektů a areálů a rizika, která se s nimi pojí. Ve druhé části autor zpracovává k...
quirama, maria gabriela lazarus, juan felipe lópez-victoria, mateo
The limited research in Utría Cove has hindered our understanding of marginal coral areas in a rapidly changing ocean. To better understand how marginal reefs could serve as coral reservoirs where local communities could actively be involved, we assessed the ecological attributes of Utría’s coral areas, documented the impact of the 2023–2024 El Niñ...
Mansuroğlu, Sercan Davut, Özge Eri Ş
Published in
Journal of evaluation in clinical practice
This study is a case study that aims to evaluate community-based mental health services from the perspective of health providers and service recipients through SWOT analysis. This qualitative case study was conducted through in-depth interviews with five healthcare providers providing services in a community mental health centre and five individual...
Malamataris, Dimitrios Pisinaras, Vassilios Pagano, Alessandro Baratella, Valentina Vanino, Silvia Bea, Manuel Babakos, Konstantinos Chatzi, Anna Fabiani, Stefano Giordano, Raffaele
Published in
Frontiers in Water
The formulation of effective policies to address both the present allocation and future conservation of natural resources in an integrated way remains an essential and challenging task. In this regard, managing the Nexus is increasingly seen as a priority in resource governance. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are gradually being advocated to enhance ...
Herrero Zapater, Alba
[ES] La Mancomunidad del Alto Turia gestiona la Reserva de la Biosfera del Alto Turia. Este reconocimiento otorgado por la UNESCO al territorio protegido alrededor del curso alto del río Turia, es relativamente reciente y por ello todavía se está arrancando en la gestión de ésta. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es desarrollar un Plan de Mark...
matějková, jitka dohnal, radek
This article explores the strategic market entry of Czech construction companies into Bosnia and Herzegovina’s public procurement sector, with a focus on the intricate legislative, economic, and cultural variables that define this emerging market. Employing Bosnia as a representative case study, this research synthesizes traditional marketing frame...
Grošelj, Petra Zandebasiri, Mehdi Pezdevšek Malovrh, Špela
To apply the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to solve forest management problems, it is necessary to determine when the use of this method is appropriate and when another method would be more appropriate due to the limitations of the method itself. In this study, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) and meta-SWOT analyses were ...
Mupfumira, Portia Mutingi, Michael Sony, Michael
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
In the past decade, the concept of “smart cities” has gained popularity as a way to address and manage challenges and complexities in urban areas. Different smart city frameworks have been proposed and the term “framework” has been defined, examined and proposed in various ways, with each interpretation taking a distinct approach. From a different ...
meier, toni schade, susann forner, frank eberle, ulrike
To promote sustainable food choices, it is essential to provide easily understandable information that integrates health, environmental impacts and planetary boundaries. For this purpose, the Planet Health Conformity Index (PHC) was developed and tested. Current labels, such as the Nutri-Score for health and the Eco-Score for environmental impacts,...
liu, jing liu, chonghao zhao, jianan jia, xiangying
As the global demand for minerals critical to clean energy and technological innovation continues to rise, the sustainable exploitation of mineral resources in high-altitude regions becomes increasingly essential for global sustainable development. Employing SWOT analysis, deep learning, and heatmap techniques, this study delves into the mineral re...