Fath, J.univ., freieUmweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany)
The report describes a graphic module which can be used to display the results of the chemical transport model REM/CALGRID. A special module allows the graphical representation of the air quality values described in the EU air quality directives. (orig.) / SIGLE / Available from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(2000,506,4) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Kar...
Stern, R.univ., freieUmweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany)
The report describes the emissions data base created by TNO, Netherlands, which is used for the chemical transport model REM/CALGRID. Base year is 1995. The data base covers Europe with grids of 0.5 x 0.25 lat long and contains the anthropogenic emissions of SO_2, NO_x, NMVOC, CO, CH_4, NH_3, PM_1_0, PM_2_._5. The data base uses CORINAIR and CEPMEI...
Aufgrund der neuen rechtlichen Vorgaben muessen die MBA-Konzepte der neuen Generation den hohen Anforderungen des Immissionsschutzes der 30. BImSchV angepasst werden. Demnach sind alle bei der Anlieferung und Behandlung der Abfaelle entstehenden Abluftstroeme zu erfassen und einer Abluftreinigung zuzufuehren. Zum Schutz des Klimas sind fuer die Par...
This final report describes the results of the project 'Mapping of ecosystem specific long-term trends in deposition loads and concentrations of air pollutants in Germany and their comparison with Critical Loads and Critical Levels'. Part 1: 'Deposition Loads 1990-1999' has been carried out in close co-operation between INS, Stuttgart University, E...
Under technical and environmental considerations solid biofuels, which are produced from annual agricultural crops (straw, hay, whole plant cereals etc.), are generally more critical compared to natural untreated wood. Possibilities for the improvement of fuel quality (e.g. pelleting) are restricted; this is also applies for measures to optimise co...