Laaha, G. Sauquet, E. Hisdal, H. Kroll, C.N. Van Lanen, H. Tallaksen, L.M. Woods, R.
The prediction of runoff in ungauged basins (PUB) is one of the key challenges of water resources management. A Benchmark Assessment Report is currently being compiled which summarises the state of hydrological predictions for ungauged basins with various runoff signatures. Members of the EUROFRIEND Low Flow and Drought group contribute to one chap...
Bontemps, Jean-Daniel Hervé, Jean-Christophe Dhote, Jean-Francois
The objective of the study was to provide a stand-scale assessment of long-term productivity changes in even-aged stands and to depict their chronology over the 20th century. We focused on dominant height growth as a proxy for productivity, reconstructed from stem analyses in temporary plots. Height increments from two generations of stands were co...
Sampoux, Jean Paul Badeau, Vincent
La modélisation statistique de la niche écologique d’une espèce consiste à construire une fonction de paramètres environnementaux qui prédit la probabilité de présence de l’espèce à partir d’un jeu de données de calibration comprenant des données de présence/absence ou d’abondance de l’espèce et des valeurs de paramètres environnementaux aux sites ...
Bontemps, Jean-Daniel
Le thème de l'évolution historique de la productivité forestière est abordé pour les deux grands feuillus sociaux du territoire, hêtre commun (Fagus sylvatica L.) et chêne sessile (Quercus petræa Liebl.), conduits en futaie régulière et pure, en forêt domaniale, avec un objectif de description et quantification du phénomène à l'échelle du peuplemen...
Mic, R. Galea, G. Drobot, R.
The paper present the computing method of synthetic hydrograph for different return periods developed at Cemagref-Lyon, France and the results of the analysis for the observed series (daily flow and instantaneous flood peaks) for 49 sub-basins.We shall distinguish, for the needs of the modelling, a set of calibration of 34 gauging stations and a se...
Mic, R. Galea, G. Drobot, R.
A flow-duration-frequency regionalization is carried out on Argeş and Ialomiţa river basins, situated in the south of Romania. This regionalization concerns 49 sub-basins having about thirty years of stream flow measurements (daily flow and instantaneous flood peaks). For long return periods, this approach uses the GRADEX method, based on the extra...
Mic, R. Galea, G. Adler, M.J. Rotaru, E.
The study consists of the estimation of the regional parameters for the flow - duration - frequency (QdF) model, in the Timis and Bega catchments, beginning with the registered data (floods and daily mean discharges), at 28 gauging stations. The extrapolation of the discharges, for rare return periods, was made by the GRADEX method, using the daily...
Abalakin, Ilya Dervieux, Alain
A new technique for devising new models of turbulent viscosity for unsteady quasi-periodic flows is proposed in the report. The turbulent flow simulation strategy is based on two different flowfield decompositions, the Reynolds averaging, and the phase averaging. Properties of the mean flow are recovered on the base of the time-averaging of quasi-p...
Abalakin, Ilya Braza, Marianna Camarri, Simone Dervieux, Alain Koobus, Bruno Kozubskaya, Tatiana Rodes, Pascal Salvetti, Maria-Vittoria
We review a few recent investigations concerning LES (Large Eddy Simulation), OES (Organised Eddy Simulation), and Statistical Modelling works with two-equation RANS models aiming at preparing short term improvement of industrial tools for a good representation of separated, unsteady flows, involving vortex shedding. A focus will be proposed on OES...
Rodes, P. Abalakin, Ilya Salvetti, M.V. Kozubskaya, T. Braza, M. Camarri, S. Dervieux, A. Koobus, Bruno Institut National de Recherche en Inform...