The present bulletin is a general outlook on the cereal harvest in the Mediterranean region . It provides early qualitative forecasting of the 2020 cereal campaign, with a particular focus on soft wheat, durum wheat and barley. The second bulletin provides an assessment of the situation at the end of April. It will be followed by a last update in J...
The present bulletin is a general outlook on the cereal harvest in the Mediterranean region. It provides early qualitative forecasting of the 2020 cereal campaign, with a particular focus on soft wheat, durum wheat and barley. This is the final update which provides an assessment of thesituation at mid-June.
The present bulletin is a general outlook on the cereal harvest in the Mediterranean region . It provides early qualitative forecasting of the 2020 harvest on three cereals crops: Soft wheat, durum wheat and barley. The first bulletin provides an assessment of the situation at the end of March will be followed by a second assessment of the situatio...
This document presents the progress of harvests and planting in the MED-Amin countries based on data collected from the network’s focal points and from various sources as appropriate (press releases from the Ministries of Agriculture or their Grain Offices, international organizations mentioned hereafter, private consulting companies or press artic...
Les pays du réseau MED-Amin ont participé pour la troisième année consécutive à un exercice de prévision de récolte pour les cultures céréalières (blé tendre, blé dur et orge) qui a consisté à confronter des indicateurs agro-météorologiques d’observation terrestre fournis par le Secrétariat MED-Amin et le Centre Commun de Recherche de la Commission...
This report tackles the current situation and potential of organic agriculture (OA) in the context of Egyptian agricultural economy. The report contains five sections as well as the introduction. The introduction presents an overview of Egyptian agricultural sector as well as organic agriculture (OA) in global context. The second presents an overvi...
The MED-Amin network countries participated for the third consecutive year in a crop forecasting exercise for cereal crops (soft wheat, durum wheat and barley) which consisted in comparing agrometeorological indicators of terrestrial observation provided by the MED-Amin Secretariat and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) to f...