Using probe vehicles for pavement monitoring: experimental results from tests performed on a road network
TRA 2016, European Research and Technology Conference on Transport and Mobility, VARSOVIE, POLOGNE, 18-/04/2016 - 21/04/2016
TRA 2016, European Research and Technology Conference on Transport and Mobility, VARSOVIE, POLOGNE, 18-/04/2016 - 21/04/2016
The microstructure and the solute distribution inside the phases after isothermal holding in the temperature range between 420°C and 700°C in the Ti-5553 alloy were analyzed using TEM equipped with an EDX analyzer and atom probe tomography. When phase transformation occurred at high temperatures (≥ 600°C), a significant partitioning of all solute e...
Within the framework of a public-private cooperative research project, a reference section of grave-emulsion (GE) was laid in 2008. During its construction, various sensors and gauges were placed inside the layer in order to continuously record temperature, moisture content and deformations. In addition, special gauges were installed to record the ...
Le développement d'outils d'aide au diagnostic de l'état des milieux aquatique est devenu ces dernières années une nécessité surtout avec la mise en place de la DCE (Directive Cadre Européenne sur l'Eau). De nombreux appareils ont vu le jour et bien souvent leur utilisation simple et rapide leur confère des avantages face aux méthodes de laboratoir...
Cet article présente une analyse exhaustive des aptitudes et caractéristiques de la sonde capacitive utilisée dans le cadre d'auscultations des conduits de précontrainte extérieure. Des simulations numériques fondées sur un modèle analytique et sur une approche par éléments finis permettent d'expliciter la sensibilité de la sonde capacitive en fonc...
Development of a new self-boring pressuremeter has been the opportunity to insert geophone in the body of the probe. Placed in the shoe and the head of the probe, the geophones allow the determination of compression (P) and shear (S) wave velocities close to the cavity subjected to the expansion. To simplify the data acquisition, all hardware and s...
A laboratory experiment was carried out in order to study the feasibility of flexible, coated and integrating Time Domain Transmission probes inserted into waste to estimate its water content with a simple and economical equipment. In a 1 m3 waste tank, several flexible probes are set at different levels. On the basis of dry waste, water levels are...
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