Although current and proposed reprocessing of used nuclear fuel is performed predominantly by solvent extraction processes, solid phase sorbent materials have many advantages including the ability to avoid production of large volumes of organic waste. Therefore, three titania nanoparticle based sorbent materials have been developed, functionalized ...
The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) was commissioned by the Senate Department of Urban Development, Berlin, to carry out the investigations regarding the mass balance of the sulphur containing components of three selected groundwater samples from an industrial contaminated site in Berlin. The soil and groundwater contamin...
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Biotest-geleitete chemische Analytik entwickelt, die einen Hefetest fuer oestrogene Aktivitaet mit LC-MS-Detektion kombiniert, die einer Fluessig-Extraktion und Fraktionierung mit Gelpermeations-Chromatographie folgen. Fokussiert auf Klaeranlagen-Abwaesser, zielt der Ansatz darauf ab, solche Substanzen z...
When it comes to assessing the hazards emanating from heavy pollutants in waters mere elemental analysis provides too little information. Due to the great differences in toxicity and mobility it is important to know more about the exact species in question. This is particularly true of heavy metals that form stable organyls, specifically As, Pb, Sn...
Schramm, K.W.GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und ...
Die Diskussionsgruppe ''Analytik im Umweltschutz'' (DAU) ist als Untereinheit der Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie der GDCh angegliedert und stellt einen Zusammenschluss von Fachleuten dar, die ueber langjaehrige Erfahrungen in der Analytik und Bewertung von Umweltbelastungen verfuegen. Das Gremium umfasst Wissenschaftler verschiedener Bereiche der Um...
Niebelschuetz, H.Alef, H.ARGUS Umweltbiotechnologie GmbH, Berlin ...univ., technische
Aim of the work was to set up the presumptions for a new method for in situ remediation of PAH contaminated sites. This technique is based on the extraction of PAH from the soil by use of plant oils. The analytical detection of PAH in plant oils was developed and optimised. In lab scale a more or less complete removal of PAH from contaminated soils...