Zamperini, S.A. Bernard, T.A. Rudakov, D.L Boedo, J.A
Published in
Nuclear Fusion
Successful fusion reactor operation relies on minimal core contamination by impurities, otherwise too much power may be radiated and harm performance. This requires reliable predictions of impurity transport from the scrape-off layer (SOL) into the core, beyond the traditional ‘anomalous’ diffusion approach. We report a set of far-SOL tungsten tran...
Hachmeister, D Silva, C Santos, J Conway, G D Gil, L Silva, A Stroth, U Vicente, J Wolfrum, E McDermott, R M
Published in
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
In tokamaks, radial transport is ballooning, meaning it is enhanced at the low-field side (LFS). This work investigates the effect of the magnetic configuration on the high-field side (HFS) scrape-off layer. Our experiments involved L-mode and H-mode discharges at ASDEX Upgrade, in which we scanned the magnetic configuration from a lower to an uppe...
Coosemans, Reinart; Dekeyser, Wouter; 55808; Baelmans, Martine;
status: published
Zamperini, S Nichols, J H Odstrcil, T Abrams, T Boedo, J A Elder, J D Rudakov, D L Donovan, D C Duran, J D Huang, A
Published in
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
A novel impurity transport model that approximates SOL turbulence as a fluctuating poloidal electric field is shown to be an acceptable replacement for the traditional approach of assigning an arbitrary radial diffusion coefficient to the impurity ions. The model is implemented in the DIVIMP impurity transport code and applied to an L-Mode tungsten...
Komiyama, Takumi Shikama, Taiichi Hanada, Kazuaki Ido, Takeshi Onchi, Takumi Kono, Kaori Ejiri, Akira Hasegawa, Makoto Inoue, Satoshi Hasuo, Masahiro
Published in
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
The electron temperature and density profiles in the midplane of a spherical tokamak plasma produced by electron cyclotron heating (ECH) in Q-shu University experiment with steady-state spherical tokamak (QUEST) are measured by the helium line intensity ratio method. The measured profiles are compared with those obtained by the Thomson scattering m...
Dolgova, K Vekshina, E Rozhansky, V
Published in
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Formation of a high-field-side high-density (HFSHD) regime and the role of the high-field-side (HFS) poloidal electric field in the scrape-off layer of the spherical tokamak Globus-M2 are analyzed using SOLPS-ITER edge plasma simulations. The dependence of the HFS poloidal electric field sign and, consequently, radial drift fluxes on the discharge ...
Hecko, J Komm, M Sos, M Adamek, J Bilkova, P Bogar, K Bohm, P Jaulmes, F Mysiura, I Tomes, M
Published in
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Analysis of heat fluxes in scrape-off layer (SOL) plasma is important for the prediction of divertor tile heat loads in future reactor-sized tokamak machines. Typically, the radial heat flux profile can be accurately characterized by the decay length parameter λ q . The predictions are then based on the dependence of λ q on plasma and machine param...
Bouma, Lennart Malbois, Maxime Maillard, Julien Moreau, Stéphane
The present rapidly growing number of onshore wind turbines is causing a significant increment in acoustic pollution. Engineering methods, such as the Harmonoise model, provide fast analytical predictions of outdoor noise propagation. This methodology is especially applicable to complex sound scenes that can potentially include multiple wind turbin...
Li, Y. Fedorczak, N. Xu, G.S. Liang, Y. Brezinsek, S. Morales, J.
Published in
Nuclear Fusion
The influence of upstream ion temperature in the scrape-off layer (SOL) on the tungsten (W) sputtering in the divertor is studied in the WEST tokamak. For an almost constant power into the SOL, the upstream ion temperature and its ratio over the electron temperature gradually increase with the decrease of electron density in the SOL. This increment...
Maragkoudakis, E. Carralero, D. Estrada, T. Windisch, T. Gao, Y. Killer, C. Jakubowski, M. Puig Sitjes, A. Pisano, F. Sándor, H.
Published in
Nuclear Fusion
The formation of the radial electric field, Er in the scrape-off layer (SOL) has been experimentally studied for attached divertor conditions in stellarator W7-X. The main objective of this study is to test the validity in a complex three-dimensional (3D) island divertor of simple models, typically developed in tokamaks, relating Er in the SOL to t...