In Benin, cowpea products are commonly consumed traditional dishes. Urbanization and income changes contribute to eating habit modifications in low- and middle-income countries. Therefore, the aims of this study were (i) to identify factors influencing cowpea consumption and (ii) to document generational changes in cowpea consumption in rural and u...
Sultan, Benjamin (ed.)Lalou, Richard (ed.)Amadou Sanni, M. (ed.)Oumarou, A. (ed.)Soumaré, M.A. (ed.)
The future of West Africa depends on the capacity of its agriculture to ensure the food security of the population, which should double in the next 20 years, while facing up to the new risks resulting from climate warming. Indeed, the changes in temperature and precipitations already operating and that should become more marked will have serious ef...
Michon, GenevièveBerriane, M.Romagny, BrunoAl Ifriqui, M.
Les savoirs des communautés rurales relatifs à l'adaptation des pratiques agricoles et pastorales aux difficultés et aux aléas du climat leurs ont permis d'améliorer leur résilience dans un environnement naturel vulnérable et contraignant en assurant la production alimentaire et la provision de biens et services nécessaires à la production de la co...