Allen, Thomas Prosperi, Paolo
Published in
Environmental Management
The processes underlying environmental, economic, and social unsustainability derive in part from the food system. Building sustainable food systems has become a predominating endeavor aiming to redirect our food systems and policies towards better-adjusted goals and improved societal welfare. Food systems are complex social-ecological systems invo...
Prosperi, P. Peri, I.
According to the concept of sustainable development, available natural resources are limited and disproportionately exploited. The growing depletion of these resources is leading to intergenerational disparities, as it systematically deprives future generations of a standard of living even remotely comparable to the current one. Sustainability is a...
Ferreira, Maria Angela Fernandes Latorre, Maria do Rosario Dias de Olivei...
Social indicators are now indispensable in the list of variables of epidemiological studies, based on the fact that the determination of health complaints is complex and multidimensional. From this perspective, social inequality has gained prominence as an explanatory factor for the health conditions of populations. The scope of this article is to ...
Ferreira, Maria Angela Fernandes Latorre, Maria do Rosario Dias de Olivei...
Social indicators are now indispensable in the list of variables of epidemiological studies, based on the fact that the determination of health complaints is complex and multidimensional. From this perspective, social inequality has gained prominence as an explanatory factor for the health conditions of populations. The scope of this article is to ...
Ferreira, Maria Angela Fernandes Latorre, Maria do Rosario Dias de Olivei...
Social indicators are now indispensable in the list of variables of epidemiological studies, based on the fact that the determination of health complaints is complex and multidimensional. From this perspective, social inequality has gained prominence as an explanatory factor for the health conditions of populations. The scope of this article is to ...
Ittersum, M. van Ewert, F. Heckelei, T. Wery, J. Alkan Olsson, J. Andersen, E.S. Bezlepkina, I. Brouwer, F. Donatelli, M. Flichman, G.
Agricultural systems continuously evolve and are forced to change as a result of a range of global and local driving forces This paper presents the rationale, design and illustration of a component-based framework for agricultural systems (SEAMLESS Integrated Framework) to assess, ex-ante, agricultural and agri-environmental policies and technologi...
Pottebaum, D. Kanbur, R. Centre for Economic Policy Research, Lon...
United Kingdom
Europaeische Kommission, Bruessel (Belgi...
'Einkommen, Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung sind Themen von allgemeiner, konstanter und steigender Interesse. Dieser Bericht ist an eine Vielzahl von Benutzern, einschliesslich politischen Entscheidungstraegern, Forschern und an die Oeffentlichkeit gerichtet. Er vermittelt einen Ueberblick ueber die Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung in der Europaeischen ...
Europaeische Kommission, Bruessel (Belgi...
Rossteutscher, Sigrid Deth, Jan W. van zentrum, mannheimer