Les violences sexuelles subies par les minorités sexuelles masculines ont fait l’objet de travaux qui se sont largement focalisés sur les abus sexuels subis dans l’enfance, occultant les violences à l’âge adulte. Les études prennent peu en compte les spécificités et la diversité des modes de vie de ces populations et les différentes manières de viv...
In recent years, feminist activism and the MeToo movement have placed a spotlight on male privilege in sexuality and raised awareness of the high prevalence of sexual violence. Within this context, men are increasingly expected to respect women’s consent in their heterosexual encounters. This study employs in-depth interviews with thirty-nine educa...
The language used to describe the embodied experience of “victims of gender-based violence” is contested and evolving. Descriptions of violence are shaped by socio-historic context and by academic, media, and legal discourses. These in turn inform and delimit the production of knowledge. Yet victims themselves may struggle to recognise their experi...
This presentation focuses on age and gender domination that occur within sexual violence situations, during adolescence. Quantitative analyses are based on the survey “VIRAGE”, which is a national survey on gender-based violence carried out in France in 2015 among 27,000 people (Hamel et al., 2016). I also have conducted sixty in-depth interviews w...
This study presents an overview of how the issue of obstetric and gynaecological violence is currently being apprehended in the EU. Based on research carried out across the EU 27 Member States, it identifies issues and challenges; looks at the legal framework currently applicable to this form of violence; examines ongoing political and legal develo...