Jean-Baptiste, Philippe Andrieu, Olivier Herellier, Jean-Marc Bendennoune, Eytan Puillandre, Patrick Usseglio-Nanot, Philippe Maakik, Smail Jean-Baptiste, Michelle Bouvier, Xavier
Grâce aux ouvrages de la collection Repères Pratiques : Faites le point sur les connaissances essentielles à maîtriser.Mémorisez facilement grâce à une organisation par double page.Réussissez vos études supérieures et vos examens !Cette édition mise à jour, intègre les dernières évolutions législatives et l'actualisation des données.Divisé en 5 par...
Yakhontova, Elena Korobeynikova, Svetlana
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
This article discusses the current challenges of the emerging business environment in the digital economy. To the content and level of competence of CEOs, they must quickly and successfully carry out digital transformation and build a digital culture in their organizations and external environment. The survey results of the views of graduates and s...
ondruššek, matúš
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na problematiku optimalizace webových stránek pro vyhledávače. Práce se zabývá tím, jak stránku přizpůsobit technicky a obsahově. Práce popisuje, jak pracovat s klíčovými slovy v obsahu a v rámci celé struktury webu pro dosažení správné optimalizace a maximálních výsledků. V první části práce jsou definovány jednotlivé ...
Gvajc, Blaž
Kovačič, Gregor
Djekanović, Nebojša
Limachi Pomier, Pilar Joely
The Internet and different technological advances have revolutionized both information communication systems and commercial ones, endangering traditional media. For this reason, it was proposed to determine a digital marketing plan to improve the positioning of the paginate. The site serves as an innovative, differentiating, and even strategic supp...
Brännström, Martin Hellsten, Isabelle
This study investigates the effects of the digital marketing channels Search engine optimization (SEO) and SEM, focusing on Google Ads, in the context of the consumer decision funnel in the Swedish market. This was done through a single-case study with a medium-sized digital marketing bureau in Sweden. Our research was summarized in a conceptual fr...
Bastos, Suzamara Tous Rovirosa, Anna Lopezosa, Carlos
This research examines the existing intersection between search engine optimization (SEO), artificial intelligence (AI), and news monitoring in digital journalism. To do so, a comparative analysis is conducted between Brazilian and Spanish media outlets, specifically Folha de São Paulo, Estadão, El Mundo, and El País. Semi-structured interviews are...
Nuñez Flores, Lizeth Vidal Fernández, Pablo
This article presents neuromarketing strategies for the FLAVIOPOLIS chocolate brand, with the aim of strengthening its competitive position in the digital market. The strategies are based on neuromarketing techniques aimed at adapting advertising messages to the preferences and needs of the consumer. The importance of neuromarketing is recognized t...