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with SEINE BASIN as keyword
Garnier, Josette Meybeck, Michel Ayrault, Sophie Billen, Gilles Blanchoud, Hélène Carre, Catherine Flipo, Nicolas Gasperi, Johnny Lestel, Laurence de Marsily, Ghislain
The Seine River and its basin (70 000 km2, 500 m3/s mean annual discharge) are studied since 1989 by an interdisciplinary research programme ( The river receives the effluents of about 17 M inhab (70% from Paris conurbation) and from industries. Intensive agriculture using agrochemicals is another cause of water quality...
Souben, J. Loiseau, J. Roger, M.C.
La synthèse bibliographique de données hydrobiologiques entre 1997 et 2008 (141 stations) et la campagne de terrain menée en 2009 (29 stations) ont permis de réaliser un premier état des lieux de la présence de Chelicorophium curvispinum dans les voies navigables du bassin de la Seine, depuis ses premières observations en 1998 dans les canaux de Pi...
Vilain, Guillaume Garnier, Josette Tallec, Gaëlle Cellier, Pierre
Nitrous oxide emissions from soils are known to be variable in both space and time. To better understand this variability, this study was conducted to (i) evaluate the landscape-scale patterns and seasonal variations in N2O emissions, (ii) determine the contribution of the different environmental factors (texture and organic matter content of the s...
Mignolet, Catherine Schott, Céline Benoît, Marc
A research procedure is proposed which aims to analyse the agricultural spatial dynamics during the last thirty years using two levels of organisation of farming activity: the agricultural production system and the cropping system. Based on methods of statistical mapping and data mining, this procedure involves modelling the diversity of production...