Land Laws and Proclamations in Tanzania and Ethiopia
Är medborgarna verkligen i fokus när staten organiserar sina verksamheter? Hur har nya och förändrade styrformer påverkat skolan? Hur hanterar man att den finansiella revisionen inom statsförvaltningen hämtat mycket av regler från ett näringsliv som i grunden har helt andra uppgifter än de flesta myndigheter? Här presenteras elva essäer med utgångs...
Det här arbetet har analyserat hur fyra svenska dagstidningars opinionstexter på ledarutrymmet förhöll sig till Ryssland under fyra nedslag i historien: 1986, 1991, 1995 och 2008. Syftet har varit att försöka hitta nyanser i den ryssfientliga diskursen. Till hjälp har jag haft en idealtyp för att kategorisera de olika texterna. Idealtypen b...
Two symposia in Uppsala and Oslo during November 2011 marked the 50th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Chief Albert Luthuli and Dag Hammarskjöld at the same ceremony for 1960 and (posthumously) 1961, respectively. The deliberations, which involved close family members of the late Chief Luthuli, commemorated and honoured two outstandi...
As a policy field largely characterised by handbooks and manuals, gender and Security Sector Reform (SSR) has been insufficiently studied and analysed. Analytical discussion of what gendering SSRmeans is quite rare, as is the study of the already gendered nature of the security institutions that are the subject of intervention. This policy dialogue...
The Nordic Africa Institute, the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and the Norwegian Institute for International Affairs hosted a seminar in Uppsala, Sweden, on 15 and 16 December 2011, that brought together AU, EU and UN officials closely involved in peace operations in Africa. The seminar’s purpose was to allow participants to compare their experiences...
In NAIs Annual Report 2011 you can read about how military structures lingers in Liberia, about the global rush for land, the importance of understanding local farming techniques, about how African cities drive change, and much more.
As a policy field largely characterised by handbooks and manuals, gender and Security Sector Reform (SSR) has been insufficiently studied and analysed. Analytical discussion of what gendering SSRmeans is quite rare, as is the study of the already gendered nature of the security institutions that are the subject of intervention. This policy dialogue...
Senmoderna reflexioner. Festskrift till Johan Fornäs, är en antologi med tjugotre artiklar tillägnade Johan Fornäs på hans 60-årsdag den 7 mars 2012. Flera av artiklarna utgår från teman i Johan Fornäs böcker, medan andra på olika sätt behandlar ämnen relaterade till hans breda och mångfacetterade intresseområden. Boken är indelad i fyra tematiska ...
Late modern reflexions: Festschrift for Johan Fornäs is an anthology of more than twenty essays dedicated to Johan Fornäs on his 60th birthday 7th of mars 2012. Several of the articles included take Johan Fornäs’ books as their starting point, while others are related, in different ways, to his wide and diverse interests. The book is divided into f...