Sun, Hao; Wang, Haiqing; Yang, Ming; Reniers, Genserik; 62373;
To quantify the pandemic specific impact with respect to the risk related to the chemical industry, a novel risk analysis method is proposed. The method includes three parts. Firstly, the two types of "window of opportunity" (WO) theory is proposed to divide an accident life cycle into two parts. Then, a qualitative risk analysis is conducted based...
wang, hwachyi jason chang, s. k. de backer, hans lauwers, dirk de maeyer, philippe
The majority of bicycle crash studies aim at determining risk factors and estimating crash risks by employing statistics. Accordingly, the goal of this paper is to evaluate bicycle–motor vehicle crashes by using spatial and temporal approaches to statistical data. The spatial approach (a weighted kernel density estimation approach) preliminarily es...
Walker, Valentin; Crijns, Anne; Langendijk, Johannes; 112288; Spoor, Daan; Vliegenthart, Rozemarijn; Combs, Stephanie E.; Mayinger, Michael; Eraso, Arantxa; Guedea, Ferran; Fiuza, Manuela;
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, and radiotherapy plays a major role in its treatment. However, breast cancer radiotherapy can lead to incidental irradiation of the heart, resulting in an increased risk for a variety of heart diseases arising many years after radiotherapy. Therefore, identifying breast cancer patient...
červinka, p. havlová, v. trpkošová, d. trtílek, r. večerník, p. zuna, m. gvoždík, l. sosna, k. staš, l. svoboda, j.
První pokusy in-situ s radioaktivním indikátorem v žulovém kameni byly provedeny v podzemní laboratoři Josef v roce 2017. Experimenty, jejichž příprava trvala téměř čtyři roky, byly v České republice unikátní. Experimenty tohoto typu hrají klíčovou roli při ověřování numerických modelů migrace radionuklidů v hostitelském prostředí hlubinného úložiš...
SPERANDIO, Francesco STURARO, Silvia SABINA, Salvatore Beugin, Julie
Bon, Philippe Collart-Dutilleul, Simon
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IESM 2015, Séville, Espagne, 21-/10/2015 - 23/10/2015
Liu, Jun Martinez, Luis Ruan, Da Rodriguez, Rosa Calzada, Alberto
Published in
Journal of Global Optimization
A belief rule-based inference approach and its corresponding optimization algorithm deal with a rule-base with a belief structure called a belief rule base (BRB) that forms a basis in the inference mechanism. In this paper, a new learning method is proposed based on the given sample data for optimally generating a consistent BRB. The focus is given...
Ben Yahia, W. Polet, P. Vanderhaegen, Frédéric Tricot, N.
This paper aims to show the importance of taking into account human factors in risk analysis. Safety analysis methods identify system failures and dangers, thus allowing risk to be analyzed. However, although erroneous human behaviour can affect the Human-Machine System (HMS), studies using safety analysis usually do not explicitly take the human f...
L. Martinez Lopez; J. Liu, D. Ruan and J...
Riek, D. (Ingenieurgesellschaft Nord mbH... Rumpf, J. Fricke, S. (TUEV Hannover/Sachsen-Anhalt... TUEV Nord e.V., Hamburg (Germany)