Polkov, Kirill
This study examines the role of non-normative sexuality in the construction of national images. It focuses on how non-normative sexuality affects and is affected by Swedish constructions of the image of Russia and, by extension, Sweden’s self-image. Employing queer, feminist, and postcolonial theories, and methodologically grounded in discourse-the...
Lundgren, Niklas
In recent years, Russia has significantly altered the global landscape through its aggressive conduct in various conflicts. Employing hybrid warfare tactics, Russia has merged conventional military operations with psychological warfare strategies, recognizing the potent influence of psychological manipulation. This study delves into Russia's utiliz...
Bergman, Christoffer
Militära organisationer som går i krig utsätts för överraskningar. Oavsett hur bra den egna underrättelsetjänsten är eller hur välutvecklade planer som framarbetats, kommer den mili-tära organisationen behöva hantera överraskningar.Meir Finkel, en israelisk före detta brigadgeneral, hävdar att lösningen ligger i flexibilitet. I sin teori utvecklar ...
Åkerström, Andreas
The Principles of War have long been debated about their relevance and usefulness within the military context. Some theorists think that the Principles of War are laws that should be followed to achieve success in battle, while others see them more as guidelines. The principles have also been discussed on which level and type of warfare they should...
Nilsson, Kevin
The aim with this study is to investigate if there is a connection between Russia's hybrid warfare in Transnistria when Moldova has been governed by pro-EU politicians. The research clarifies that Russia has exploited the military in Ukraine as well as Georgia when these states have declared a willingness to work towards EU membership. However, the...
Larsson, Isac Henriksson, Jacob
The objective of this study is to examine the explanatory capabilities of the international theories, constructivism and structural realism, both separately and complementary. The explanatory capabilities of the theories are examined in the context of explaining the driving forces of Russia's invasion of Ukraine February 24, 2022. This study employ...
Nukic, Tarik
Ryssland bestämde år 2022 att invadera Ukraina. Dock möttes man av blandade reaktioner. Därför undersöker uppsatsen hur genom Putins retorik, Ryssland rättfärdigar sina aktioner för sitt folk och omvärlden samt hur man kan analysera argumenten. Frågeställningen som besvaras är “Hur har Vladimir Putin rättfärdigat Rysslands invasion av Ukraina 2022 ...
Sundstrand, Joel
The Russian term maskirovka can be translated as deception. Maskirovka has been part of Russian military doctrine since at least WWII and is considered to be a central part of their warfare. Maskirovka has been broadly researched since WWII, although not specifically in two of Russia’s most recent wars in Georgia and Ukraine from 2022. The Russo-Ge...
Airasmaa Storbjörk, Myra
This essay aims to present three different perspectives through which to analyse the decision made by Russia to invade Ukraine in 2022. The three perspectives used are based on the three theories of decision making found in the book Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (Allison & Zelikow, 1999) and are as follows: the rational a...
Hedin, Andreas Pelle, Nyberg
Bakgrund: Globala händelser som krig, pandemier och naturkatastrofer påverkar snabbt ekonomier världen över. De så kallade "Black swan events" beskriver oförutsägbara och ytterst ovanliga händelser som kan resultera i extrema konsekvenser. Under det senaste århundradet har kriser som världskrigen, den stora depressionen och finanskrisen 2007 format...