Martirosyan, Arman
British people traveling to the Russian Empire in the nineteenth century encountered its truly multiethnic composition. In the South Caucasus they were introduced, for instance, to Georgian viticulture, often served in Armenian inns, suggesting a culinary contact zone. Cultural contacts were equally seen in the Crimean Peninsula: the Greeks were wi...
Glušič, Urša
V 19. stoletju je Ruski imperij vodil aktivno zunanjo politiko na področju Jugovzhodne Evrope. Območje je imelo pomemben strateški pomen, saj je iz Črnega morja skozi ožini Bospor in Dardanele to edini ruski izhod v toplo morje na Evropskem prostoru. Ob slabljenju Osmanskega imperija so se evropske velesile spustile v spopad za vpliv in ozemlja na ...
Malitska, Julia
In this article, I tackle and reflect on the vegetarian movement of the Russian empire in its making, branding, and imagining by examining the All-Russian Vegetarian Congress in Moscow in 1913. By scrutinizing its organization, agenda and resolutions, the study brings to the surface and explores the ideological imaginaries and the dynamics of veget...
Abbasbeyli, Elvin
Il peut parfois être difficile de traduire un terme à cause des différences de réalités (linguistiques, culturelles, politiques, religieuses, etc.) car les langues source et cible sont porteuses de mentalités différentes. Il ne suffit pas toujours de traduire ces termes de manière littérale. Il est nécessaire d’apporter des solutions pour rendre av...
Malitska, Julia
After falling under the power of the Russian Crown, the Northern Black Sea steppe from the end of eighteenth century crystallized as the Russian government’s prime venue for socioeconomic and sociocultural reinvention and colonization. Vast ethnic, sociocultural and even ecological changes followed. Present study is preoccupied with the marriage o...
Ohayon, Isabelle
International audience
Feldman, Leah Michele
This dissertation considers the foundation of discourses of Orientalism and Postcolonialism in representations of the Caucasus in the literature of Russians and Muslims of the empire from 1828 through 1920. From the mid-nineteenth century through World War I, the Russian empire continued an era of expansion, colonizing the diverse ethnic and cultur...
Feldman, Leah Michele
This dissertation considers the foundation of discourses of Orientalism and Postcolonialism in representations of the Caucasus in the literature of Russians and Muslims of the empire from 1828 through 1920. From the mid-nineteenth century through World War I, the Russian empire continued an era of expansion, colonizing the diverse ethnic and cultur...
Feldman, Leah Michele
This dissertation considers the foundation of discourses of Orientalism and Postcolonialism in representations of the Caucasus in the literature of Russians and Muslims of the empire from 1828 through 1920. From the mid-nineteenth century through World War I, the Russian empire continued an era of expansion, colonizing the diverse ethnic and cultur...
Feldman, Leah Michele
This dissertation considers the foundation of discourses of Orientalism and Postcolonialism in representations of the Caucasus in the literature of Russians and Muslims of the empire from 1828 through 1920. From the mid-nineteenth century through World War I, the Russian empire continued an era of expansion, colonizing the diverse ethnic and cultur...