Hernández, Consuelo
Esta tesis propone estudiar desde una perspectiva antropológica, el sacrificio doméstico del cerdo en el entorno rural asturiano. La matanza del cerdo puede ser leída como un archivo de la evolución de las relaciones entre humanos y animales en un contexto campesino en transformación. La primera parte de la tesis describe, desde una perspectiva etn...
Montero Salas, Marianela Guido Granados, Ismael
The contributions provided by educational centers in rural areas to sustainability are described. The research was conducted in the community of Calle Zamora, San Ramón, Costa Rica, through interviews with 120 residents and surveys of business owners to determine socio-economic and environmental aspects that have improved since the establishment of...
López Fernández, Álvaro Molina Gil, Raúl
Contemporary Spanish cinema on historical memory has renewed its models with techniques and motifs of westerns. Two notable cases are the adaptations of Sordo(Alfonso Cortés-Cavanillas, 2018) and Intemperie(Benito Zambrano, 2019).In this way, the comic by David Muñoz and Rayco Pulido (2008), about a soldier in Operation Reconquista, become a sort o...
Vazquez, Cristian Eduardo Contardo, María Florencia
This dossier analyzes the political dimension of a set of rural Christian organizations and some trajectories of believers, in the rural areas of northeastern Argentina in the second half of the 20th century. From various social disciplines, methodological approaches and innovative documentary collections, this dossier provides uncommon crossovers ...
Flores Juca, Enrique Jiménez Pacheco, Pedro Mora Arias, Estefanía Parrado Rodríguez, Cristhian
In recent years, studies on women’s daily mobility at the urban level have been addressed with greater emphasis. However, there is little scientific literature that describes how the displacement of rural women occurs. This article proposes an initial characterization of the mobility of rural women in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. Based on informati...
Andrés Cabello, Sergio
This monographic issue of Papeles del CEIC, under the title «Empty Spain, Empty Spain: the identity and symbolic dimensions of the peripheral regions», responds to the interest that issues linked to territorial debates have been gaining, with derivatives in different areas, from identity to material issues, including the role of public policies the...
Alemany Pereira, Mireia
[ES] Las zonas rurales deben, hoy en día, afrontar numerosos desafíos; falta de oportunidades laborales, envejecimiento de la población, escasa oferta cultural, etc. La juventud, ante este contexto, se ve forzada a abandonar la zona en busca de nuevas oportunidades en las ciudades, dejando sus territorios vacíos de perspectivas de futuro. Este vací...
Ramírez Bacete, Marta
[ES] Creación de una publicación editorial experimental centrada en la promoción y difusión de la artesanía de las zonas rurales poco pobladas de La Mancha, región del centro de la Península Ibérica. La publicación recoge las actividades comerciales propias de esta zona relacionadas con el trabajo manual, lo artesanal y aquellos productos cuya prod...
Ochoa Pérez, Paola Andrea Bernal Villate, Sandra Liliana
Objective: To analyze the approach of the ANUC in 1979, in contrast with the slogans and press of the time in relation to the agrarian reform and the thinking of the rurality of Boyacá. Originality/support: This research shows the degree of relationship between Uptc students and the rural, peasant and agrarian sector regarding the socio-political d...
Gálvez Palomeque, Karol Elizabeth Feijoó Correa, Erick Paúl Lazo Serrano, Lizette Ivonne Benítez Luzuriaga, Karina
There is a gap between the rural and urban sectors in terms of access to connectivity, which represents a determinant for the development of digital literacy. Technology and its accelerated growth, especially as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, posed the challenge of necessary updating with the advances that occur in digital environments. In this...