Frías López, Aurora Kristell
El objetivo de este estudio es el de analizar el resguardo e interpretación del ritual zoque La pesca de la Sardina Ciega como patrimonio inmaterial cultural. Se Este estudio utilizó la metodología cualitativa exploratoria-descriptiva con alcance transversal. Se propone que la recopilación y análisis de la información del modelo del Plan de Salva...
向井, 佑介
Zogning Meli, Christel
Les rituels définissent et consolident chaque type de communautés. L’Occident a exercé dans ses entreprises « civilisatrices » en Afrique une forme d’impérialisme symbolique qui reléguait les croyances et les pratiques rituelles des peuples colonisés au rang de superstition et d’archaïsme. Le christianisme s’imposait alors comme la religion absolue...
Liao, Xiaoyu Lyu, Bei Abbas, Jaffar
Published in
This study aims to increase our understanding regarding the use of rituals as the prevention and management strategies for the external consequences resulting from sexual harassment in the workplace during the COVID-19 crisis. We conducted a qualitative study through semi-structured interviews (N = 30) with employees in five hospitals and analyzed ...
van Giffen, Jikke (author)
Pregnancy loss, a prevalent yet often hidden phenomenon, affects one in five pregnancies, triggering emotional challenges like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder in women. This research seeks to shed light on the unaddressed experiences of couples dealing with pregnancy loss and proposes a design solution to foster positive coping mechan...
Castel, Corinne
With its two temples, its sacred precinct partially built and its numerous installations in situ, the main sanctuary of Tell Al-Rawda is one of the most spectacular of Early Bronze Age Syro-Mesopotamia and one of the few to have been fully excavated in its latest phase of construction, around 2200 BC. This lecture aims at presenting the researches ...
Ariff, Ifrah (author)
This study investigates Bengaluru’s Chamarajpet Eidgah Maidan as a proxy of Hindu-Muslim religious communalism manifesting in public space. The maidan has been a ground of controversy since June 2022 due to a conflict over its use for (religious) ritual activities. The incumbent Hindu-nationalist BJP government fails to mediate such contestations o...
Ebertz, Michael N.
Published in
Zeitschrift Fur Religion, Gesellschaft Und Politik
Mit der Coronapandemie wurden auch in den religiösen Feldern Krisen, ja Kämpfe ausgelöst, die über die üblichen Auseinandersetzungen um die legitime Definition des Religiösen hinausgingen. Sie betrafen nicht zuletzt die rituelle Dimension, wie an einem Beispiel der Liturgie der christlich-orthodoxen Kirchen gezeigt wird. In ihnen entzündete sich ei...
Getyengana, K Kamba, E T Mkwanazi, M V Ndlela, S Z Mwale, M Chimonyo, M
Published in
Tropical animal health and production
Farmers have developed indigenous knowledge (IK) on predictive and adaptation strategies to sustain water security. The objective of the study was to determine factors that influence the integration of IK and conventional knowledge (CK) to ensure water security for livestock. Focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews were used to gathe...
Niu, Song
Published in
Contemporary Islam
Hajj is the most important one of the Five Pillars in Islam. Islam makes the Kaaba as the orientation of daily prayers ( salat ), and hajj as the linkage to maintain the global Muslim faith community. The sanctity of hajj rituals is of positive significance for global pilgrims to transcend the boundaries of countries and ethnic groups. In the era o...