Gianniodis, Dimitris
Cet article propose de réinterroger la nature des chants narratifs liés à l’épopée de Digénis Akritas et interprétés jusqu’à ce jour sur l’île grecque de Chios en les mettant en relation avec la danse chorale du « lié » ainsi que différents rituels carnavalesques. Les ballades épiques y sont envisagées comme des fictions dramatiques mélodisées et d...
Hase, Luke
This thesis undertakes a fundamental rethinking of ‘myth’ as a heuristic analytical tool in Pauline studies. It contends that the discipline’s longstanding resistance to, and insufficient engagement with, the concept of myth has deprived scholars of a rich and illuminating means of interpreting Paul’s letters. It first appraises the reception of ‘m...
Ångman, Moa
Denna uppsats kommer utgå i grunden från teorin om mikro- meso- och makroperspektivet. Ingångsvinkeln i uppsatsen utgår från offerfynd som påträffats under undersökningarna i Eketorp under 1900-talet. Offerfynden nivågrupperats där dem passar bäst in utifrån den valda teorin. Eketorp borg är en fornborg på Öland. Belägen på den sydöstra delen av ön...
Vapnarsky, Valentina Michelet, Dominique Monod Becquelin, Aurore
International audience
Galliot, Sébastien Revolon, Sandra Di Piazza, Anne
International audience
Sánchez Rivera, Mario Alejandro
This article analyzes Guadalupe Maravilla's work "Disease Thrower #2" through Hans-Georg Gadamer's concepts of play, symbol, and festival. Maravilla, a Salvadoran artist, blends his migratory and bodily suffering experiences, particularly his battle with cancer, into an interactive and therapeutic artistic expression. The work, focused on a sanctua...
Grön, Angelica
Denna uppsats belyser kroppslighetens roll inom Svenska kyrkans liturgi, i syfte att utforska hur fysiska praktiker och sinnliga erfarenheter förmedlar och fördjupar religiös och andlig förståelse. Med en bakgrund rotad i personlig reflektion kring liturgiska traditioner, undersöker studien de specifika praktikerna och deras inverkan på delt...
Nilsson, Moa-Matilda
This paper explores which role textile has in the staging of masculinity through an investigation of fraternal groups. The project combines the themes textile craft, gender studies and men only secret societies and in this paper I explain the key concepts of my theoretical interests of my artistic practice which is performativity, masculinity and r...
Panadero Luna, Adrián
The figure of the witch, witchcraft and the whole universe that surrounds them have exercised an aesthetic function in the History of Art practically since the dawn of the same. From the demonization masked as pedagogy and eroticization, the iconographic language erected around the ritual-pagan has been deconstructed and reappropriated, especially ...
Nicolay, Scott
Over two dozen cave shrines are known from the Mimbres Mogollon region, more than have been reported from any other cultural region in the United States Southwest and Northwest Mexico (SW/NW). Despite some variation, the archaeological record of these sites is remarkably consistent and readily allows for their identification as shrines due to the p...