Li, Shaoqing
Sisyphe, figure exemplaire de l'hybris dans la mythologie grecque et Jingwei, oiseau symbolisant le sublime de la volonté humaine dans la mythologie chinoise partagent dans leurs récits mythiques des mythèmes communs : transgression de la mort, action cyclique et vanité des efforts. Cette thèse a pour but d'examiner les convergences et les divergen...
Calceglia, Ivana
The first translation of Le avventure di Pinocchio (Collodi, 1883) appears in Spain in 1912, edited by Calleja. In 1941, the publisher reissued the text with illustrations by “Pitti” Bartolozzi. The same year, the translation by María Teresa Dini (Juventud) appeared and, in 1972, Esther Benítez made a new version of the text (Alianza). If in the fi...
Ori, Julia
This article explores various types of rewriting⎯classified according to Genette's terminology in Palimpsestes(1982)⎯in Quant à je (kantaje) (1996) by the Franco-Hungarian author Katalin Molnár. Through its analysis, the aim is to show that these rewritings can be interpreted as expressions of feminist agency, according to Judith Butler's theory, a...
Deutsch, Alin
In practice, one frequently encounters queries that extract tabular results from graph databases by employing grouping and aggregation. This paper introduces a technique for rewriting the group-by list of graph queries in order to increase aggregation parallelism in graph engines that conform to a modern instantiation of the Bulk-Synchronous-Parall...
Felicissimo, Thiago Winterhalter, Théo
Proof assistants such as Coq implement a type theory featuring three important features: impredicativity, cumulativity and product covariance. This combination has proven difficult to be expressed in the logical framework Dedukti, and previous attempts have failed in providing an encoding that is proven confluent, sound and conservative. In this wo...
Baader, Franz Giesl, Jürgen
Motivated by an application where we try to make proofs for Description Logic inferences smaller by rewriting, we consider the following decision problem, which we call the small term reachability problem: given a term rewriting system R, a term s, and a natural number n, decide whether there is a term t of size ≤ n reachable from s using the rules...
Zalbidea Paniagua, Maya
In Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad (2005), Penelope is associated with Artemis, the female-goddess cult leader, and the twelve maids, with her followers. These mythological figures belong to the Minoan matrilineal culture that was eradicated by the patriarchal civilization of Greece. Margaret Atwood’s intention, rewriting a feminist version of Pen...
Martigny, Cassandre
Cet article étudie le traitement de la mort de Jocaste à travers la comparaison de deux œuvres antiques, l’Odyssée et l’Œdipe Roi, et de deux recréations théâtrales modernes, Jocaste de Michèle Fabien (1981) et Yocasta de Mariana Percovich (2003), pour analyser la façon dont les variations autour de cet épisode influent directement sur la construct...
Felicissimo, Thiago Winterhalter, Théo
Proof assistants such as Coq implement a type theory featuring three important features: impredicativity, cumulativity and product covariance. This combination has proven difficult to be expressed in the logical framework Dedukti, and previous attempts have failed in providing an encoding that is proven confluent, sound and conservative. In this wo...
Risso Nieva, José María
The paper is an approach to the study of the productivity of the classical hypotext in the dramaturgy of Tucumán (Argentina). The collective creation Museo Medea (2012) by Guillermo Katz, María José Medina, and Guadalupe Valenzuela rewrites Medea by Euripides and integrates the spectator into the drama. The article analyzes how the play is inscribe...