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with Resource-Based Theory as keyword
Armas-Cruz, Yaiza Gil-Soto, Esperanza Oreja-Rodríguez, Juan Ramón
This paper evaluates the environmental behavior of smes in the Canary Islands (Spain), one of the Outermost European Regions. The islands’ fragile socioeconomic systems and scarce resources noticeably condition the competitiveness of their firms. An empirical analysis ranks environmental protection practices in smes and identifies differences on th...
ya-chun, yang
[[abstract]]隨著外在環境多變,企業間競爭日益劇烈,環境瞬息萬變,企業對於外在環境的分析與掌握較以往更為困難,而企業內部的資源與能力卻是自身能夠加以管理與掌控的。因此,企業在制定策略時,已由外在環境轉變為注重內部條件。而資源基礎理論觀點就是強調內部資源的重要性,企業如何發展並運用資源,來獲得競爭優勢。 本研究透過文獻整理與個案訪談的方式,針對麥當勞、肯德基與摩斯漢堡的實務經驗與相關次級資料,先以五力分析來診斷個案公司是否正視自己的短處與面臨的潛在危機,再依資源基礎理論來探討三家個案公司如何運用資源,以在市場上占有一席之地。 本研究分析後,發現麥當勞之競爭優勢主要來自於站在市場的前端;肯德基之競爭優勢主要來自於透過和多家廠商之簽約;最後,摩斯漢堡之競爭優勢主要來自於內部管理之創新運用...
Ngamsirijit, Wuttigrai
To deal with dynamic and uncertain business environments, agile manufacturing is of interest to academics and practitioners. However, in order to achieve agile manufacturing, one of its dimensions is of major importance - manufacturing flexibility. It is not possible to achieve agile manufacturing with ineffective management of manufacturing flexib...
cian-zi, huang
[[abstract]]專業虛擬社群是由網際網路上一群具有相同專業背景的人,因互動所凝聚而成的團體。專業虛擬社群的目的是要鼓勵社群成員透過社群網站發掘及運用知識。近年來知識資產已經被視為是專業虛擬社群經營成功的重要因素(Hagel and Armstrong 1997),關係著社群的成長命脈。然而成員持續使用社群的意願決定了專業虛擬社群的成功。專業虛擬社群初期使用(採用)只是虛擬社群成功的第一步驟,而社群最後的成功則依靠成員往後的持續使用。為了使初期使用的成員能轉變成持續使用的成員必須增加其社群中的知識資產。根據文獻回顧,本研究將知識資產區分為四種資產:人力資產即為社群中重要的專家及成員所分享的知識;技術資產為社群所提供的網站平台及網站功能;互補性資產為社群所具備的聲譽、管理機制、知識分享氣...
This research aims to provide an overview of links between a firm's strategies and the firm possessed resources and capabilities. Two cases �Wal-Mart and Carrefour in China are chosen. By using resources-based theory, their development strategies in China are compared and analyzed. This research adopted documentary research method, particularl...
Agnes Utari; Universitas Katolik Widya M... Y. Anni; Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Se...
This research investigates the differences on value added and intellectual capital (IC) efficiency of the companies with sustained and un-sustained competitive advantage. This research uses manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2009-2011 according to JASICA version. This research indicates that the value creation (proxie...