Deferme, Driek Otgaar, Henry Dodier, Olivier Körner, André Mangiulli, Ivan Merckelbach, Harald Sauerland, Melanie Panzavolta, Michele Loftus, Elizabeth F
Published in
Topics in cognitive science
One of the most heated debates in psychological science concerns the concept of repressed memory. We discuss how the debate on repressed memories continues to surface in legal settings, sometimes even to suggest avenues of legal reform. In the past years, several European countries have extended or abolished the statute of limitations for the prose...
Wu, Yuerui Hartman, Dana Wang, Yan Goldfarb, Deborah Goodman, Gail S
Published in
Topics in cognitive science
Self-reported lost memory of child sexual abuse (CSA) can be mistaken for "repressed memory." Based on our longitudinal studies of memory and disclosure in child maltreatment victims who are now adults, we discuss findings relevant to "repressed memory cases." We examined relations between self-report of temporarily lost memory of CSA (subjective f...
Deferme, Driek; 113583; Otgaar, Henry; 119064; Dodier, Olivier; Koerner, Andre; Mangiulli, Ivan; 128014; Merckelbach, Harald; Sauerland, Melanie; Panzavolta, Michele; Loftus, Elizabeth F.;
One of the most heated debates in psychological science concerns the concept of repressed memory. We discuss how the debate on repressed memories continues to surface in legal settings, sometimes even to suggest avenues of legal reform. In the past years, several European countries have extended or abolished the statute of limitations for the prose...
Deferme, Driek Otgaar, Henry Dodier, Olivier Koerner, Andre Mangiulli, Ivan Merckelbach, Harald Sauerland, Melanie Panzavolta, Michele Loftus, Elizabeth F
One of the most heated debates in psychological science concerns the concept of repressed memory. We discuss how the debate on repressed memories continues to surface in legal settings, sometimes even to suggest avenues of legal reform. In the past years, several European countries have extended or abolished the statute of limitations for the prose...
Otgaar, Henry; 119064; Zhang, Yikang; Li, Chunlin; 137192; Wang, Jianqin;
status: Published online
Battista, Fabiana; Mangiulli, Ivan; 128014; Patihis, Lawrence; Dodier, Olivier; Curci, Antonietta; Lanciano, Tiziana; Otgaar, Henry; 119064;
Recent work suggests that the debate surrounding repressed memory and traumatic forgetting continues today. To further investigate this debate, we performed preregistered scientometric analyses on publications on the debate about repressed memory to provide information about its bibliometric evolution. Furthermore, we reviewed these publications to...
Battista, Fabiana Mangiulli, Ivan Patihis, Lawrence Dodier, Olivier Curci, Antonietta Lanciano, Tiziana Otgaar, Henry
Recent work suggests that the debate surrounding repressed memory and traumatic forgetting continues today. To further investigate this debate, we performed preregistered scientometric analyses on publications on the debate about repressed memory to provide information about its bibliometric evolution. Furthermore, we reviewed these publications to...
Otgaar, Henry; 119064; Dodier, Olivier; Garry, Maryanne; Howe, Mark L.; Loftus, Elizabeth F.; Lynn, Steven Jay; Mangiulli, Ivan; 128014; McNally, Richard J.; Patihis, Lawrence;
Ross argued that false memory researchers misunderstand the concepts of repression and dissociation, as well as the writings of Freud. In this commentary, we show that Ross is wrong. He oversimplifies and misrepresents the literature on repressed and false memory. We rebut Ross by showing the fallacies underlying his arguments. For example, we addu...
Otgaar, Henry Dodier, Olivier Garry, Maryanne Howe, Mark L Loftus, Elizabeth F Lynn, Steven Jay Mangiulli, Ivan McNally, Richard J Patihis, Lawrence
Published in
Journal of child sexual abuse
Ross argued that false memory researchers misunderstand the concepts of repression and dissociation, as well as the writings of Freud. In this commentary, we show that Ross is wrong. He oversimplifies and misrepresents the literature on repressed and false memory. We rebut Ross by showing the fallacies underlying his arguments. For example, we addu...
Dodier, Olivier Gilet, Anne-Laure Colombel, Fabienne
Published in
Memory (Hove, England)
What do people really think of when they say they believe in repressed traumatic memory? In two studies (NStudy 1 = 3158; NStudy 2 = 305) using an integrative method taking into account recent methodological discussions, we found that, in total, 2458 participants (71% of the two combined samples) reported that they believed in repressed memory. In ...