Takami, Reiji Nagayama, Yoshikuni Nishiwaki, Hiroki Ueno, Toshiharu Iwasaki, Shigeki Yoshimura, Ashio Koiwa, Fumihiko
Published in
Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis
Introduction: Malakoplakia is a rare and chronic granulomatous disease that is pathologically characterized by the presence of Michaelis-Gutmann bodies and large macrophage clusters. Malakoplakia of the renal parenchyma is especially rare. In this report, we describe the long-term prognosis of a patient who was diagnosed with and treated for renal ...
Alkaff, Firas F. Uffing, Audrey Tiller, Gesa Lammerts, Rosa G.M. van den Heuvel, Marius C. Bajema, Ingeborg M. Daha, Mohamed R. van den Born, Jacob Berger, Stefan P.
Published in
American Journal of Nephrology
Introduction: Recurrent IgA deposition is common after kidney transplantation. However, it is difficult to define whether IgA deposition is innocuous or contributes to organ damage. Next, although complement is known to be involved in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy (IgAN), its involvement has not been studied systematically in kidney transplan...
O'Keeffe, Hannah Storrar, Joshua Ramakrishna, Chethana Metaoy, Sara Chrysochou, Constantina Chinnadurai, Rajkumar Kalra, Philip A. Sinha, Smeeta
Published in
Glomerular Diseases
Introduction: Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) is a pattern of injury seen on kidney biopsy, with various underlying etiologies. The component types, including complement-mediated MPGN, are relatively rare. This study presents longitudinal real-world data over 20 years in a tertiary renal center in the UK. Methods: All patients with ...
Takeuchi, Kazuhiro Kawamura, Sayumi Wada, Yukihiro Sakamoto, Emi Kuno, Hideaki Sakurabayashi, Shun Motohashi, Tomomi Okawa, Hiroyuki Kawamura, Naohiro Naito, Shokichi
Published in
Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis
Introduction: Drug-induced tubulointerstitial injury is a common cause of renal impairment. Since the mechanisms of drug-induced tubular injury are diverse, various treatment approaches are needed according to the pathogenesis. Renal biopsy is indispensable to determine not only the pathological diagnosis, but also the underlying mechanism, and to ...
Toal, Michael Fergie, Ruth Quinn, Michael Hill, Christopher O’Neill, Ciaran Maxwell, Alexander P.
Published in
Systematic Reviews
Background IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a common cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Outcomes are highly variable and predicting risk of disease progression at an individual level is challenging. Accurate risk stratification is important to identify individuals most likely to benefit from treatment. The Kidney Fai...
Scholes, Gemma Strasser, Bridget Pham, Alan Basu, Gopal Teh, Peggy
Published in
Journal of nephrology
Juarez-Villa, Jose Daniel Zepeda-Quiroz, Iván Toledo-Ramírez, Sebastián Gomez-Johnson, Victor Hugo Pérez-Allende, Francisco Garibay-Vega, Brian Ricardo Rodríguez Castellanos, Francisco E Moguel-González, Bernardo Garcia-Cruz, Edgar Lopez-Gil, Salvador
Published in
World Journal of Nephrology
BACKGROUND The association between congenital heart disease and chronic kidney disease is well known. Various mechanisms of kidney damage associated with congenital heart disease have been established. The etiology of kidneydisease has commonly been considered to be secondary to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), however, this has only been...
Gaur, Gauri Kumar, Lakshya Malhotra, Kiran Preet Subhagya, Anukriti Pushkar, Durgesh
Published in
Journal of nephrology
Izmirly, Peter Kim, Mimi Carlucci, Philip Preisinger, Katherine Cohen, Brooke Deonaraine, Kristina Zaminski, Devyn DallEra, Maria Kalunian, Kenneth Fava, Andrea
BACKGROUND: Leveraging the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) Lupus Nephritis (LN) dataset, we evaluated longitudinal patterns, rates, and predictors of response to standard-of-care therapy in patients with lupus nephritis. METHODS: Patients from US academic medical centers with class III, IV, and/or V LN and a baseline urine protein/creatini...
Izmirly, Peter M. Kim, Mimi Y. Carlucci, Philip M. Preisinger, Katherine Cohen, Brooke Z. Deonaraine, Kristina Zaminski, Devyn Dall’Era, Maria Kalunian, Kenneth Fava, Andrea
Published in
Arthritis Research & Therapy
Background Leveraging the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) Lupus Nephritis (LN) dataset, we evaluated longitudinal patterns, rates, and predictors of response to standard-of-care therapy in patients with lupus nephritis. Methods Patients from US academic medical centers with class III, IV, and/or V LN and a baseline urine protein/creatinine...