Berchoux, Tristan
This manual provides key information and instructions on the application and use of the SHERPA Characterisation Tool for rural areas. The tool was developed to examine the characteristics of rural areas in the EU. It consists of an excel file providing information on a set of indicators related to different key topics (e.g. climate, infrastructure,...
Féret, S. Berchoux, Tristan Requier-Desjardins, M. Abdelhakim, T. Slätmo, E. Chartier, O. Nieto, E. Miller, D.
This deliverable D3.2 aims at compiling the existing data, knowledge and policy framework on rural in the EU, so to provide an operational framework for SHERPA multi-actor platforms (MAPs) when they come at describing rural trends, challenges and opportunities in their respective areas.
Berchoux, Tristan Watmough, Gary R. Amoako Johnson, Fiifi Hutton, Craig W. Atkinson, Peter M.
Published in
The main determinants of agricultural employment are related to households’ access to private assets and the influence of inherited social–economic stratification and power relationships. However, despite the recommendations of rural studies which have shown the importance of multilevel approaches to rural poverty, very few studies have explored qu...
Féret, S. Berchoux, Tristan Requier-Desjardins, Mélanie Chartier, O. Kiss-Galfalvi, T. Martino, G. Brunori, G. Viaggi, D. Miller, D. Maréchal, A.
In 2020, the European Commission initiated the preparation of a new long-term vision for rural areas. SHERPA can contribute to the process by feeding in the views of science-society-policy actors from 20 European territories. SHERPA Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) are invited to discuss local challenges and opportunities as well as their vision for th...
Mottershead, D. Féret, S. Hiller, N.
The aim of this deliverable, D3.1, is to monitor the development of policies affecting rural areas and rural dwellers in the start of the 2020-2027 period. It provides an overview of the main negotiations and development of the rural policy framework at the EU level to the various stakeholders who will take part in the SHERPA Multi-Actor Platforms ...
Berchoux, Tristan Watmough, G.R. Hutton, C.W. Atkinson, P.M.
Spatial factors, such as environmental conditions, distance to natural resources and access to services can influence the impacts of climate change on rural household livelihood activities. But neither the determinants of precarious livelihoods nor their spatial context has been well understood. This paper investigates the drivers of livelihood pre...
Berchoux, Tristan Hutton, C.W.
Despite the increasing interest of the Sustainable Livelihood Framework in the field of international development and in academia and the recent call for the use of mixed-methods approach, there has been little analysis that brings together qualitative and quantitative methods over a large geographical extent. Based on findings from participatory r...
Bessaoud, O. Sadiddin, A.
In the Mediterranean, migrations have experienced a rapid change in (huge influx) flows, forms (undocumented migration), profiles of migrants (men, women, children), destinations and new routes and networks used (South-North, South-South). Current migrations are no longer exclusively migrations of rural populations and farmers whose relations to ru...
Bessaoud, O. Sadiddin, A.
Les migrations en Méditerranée ont connu au cours de cette dernière décennie une mutation rapide, qu’il s’agisse de leurs flux (plus massifs), de leurs formes (migrations clandestines), des profils des migrants (hommes, femmes, enfants), des destinations et des nouvelles routes et réseaux utilisés (Sud-Nord, Sud-Sud). Les migrations présentes ne so...
Berchoux, Tristan
Precarious livelihoods, as a phenomenon that characterises rural household survival strategies, is a serious long-term issue for policies concerned with reducing rural poverty in developing countries. Engaging in precarious livelihood activities, such as daily-wage labour, is a characteristic of rural survival reflecting the continuing vulnerabilit...