Since the beginning of the 20th century, man has domesticated his environment and caused the modification of hydraulic conditions during floods. In parallel, civil engineering has strongly progressed in the domain of hydraulic structures but especially the construction of dams and dikes has also massively increased and part of the population has lo...
Evette, A.Zanetti, C.Cavaillé, P.Dommanget, F.Mériaux, P.Vennetier, M.
Les rivières de piedmont alpin ont fait l'objet de nombreux travaux d'endiguement et de chenalisation au cours des siècles qui nous précèdent. La gestion actuelle de ces digues conduit souvent à en exclure les ligneux pour des raisons de sécurité. Pourtant la végétation alluviale et les ripisylves jouent un rôle écologique majeur. Ce sont des milie...
Les cours d’eau et leurs ripisylves constituent des trames naturelles structurant fortement les paysages. Pour en connaitre l’état de conservation ou d’altération à large échelle, il est possible d’utiliser des outils performants et d’analyser différents supports d’imageries. L’information extraite peut être simplement cartographiée ou être résumée...
Van Looy, K.Piffady, J.Cavillon, C.Tormos, T.Landry, P.Souchon, Y.
Connectivity may be structural, based on adjacency of landscape features, or functional, based on howthat adjacency translates to movement of organisms. We present a modelling approach that elucidatesboth aspects of connectivity to identify vital corridors and conservation priorities in a river network.For the dendritic network structure of river s...
Managing receiving-water quality, ecosystem health and ecosystem service delivery is challenging in regions where extreme rainfall and runoff events occur episodically, confounding and often intensifying land-degradation impacts. We synthesize the approaches used in river, reservoir and coastal water management in the event-driven subtropics of Aus...
Tormos, T.Dupuy, S.Van Looy, K.Barbe, E.Kosuth, P.
Spatial analysis using fine-scale information over broad territories is essential to define efficient restoration strategies from local to national scale. We designed an OBIA dedicated to produce operationally reliable fine-scale information over broad territories. The originality of our OBIA lies particularly in the top-down approach for the const...
Van Looy, K.Cavillon, C.Tormos, T.Piffady, J.Landry, P.Souchon, Y.
The well-documented re-colonisation of the French large river basins of Loire and Rhone by European otter and beaver allowed the analysis of explanatory factors and threats to species movement in the river corridor. To what extent anthropogenic disturbance of the riparian zone influences the corridor functioning is a central question in the underst...