Dogniaux, Matthieu Crevoisier, Cyril Gousset, Silvère Le Coarer, Étienne Ferrec, Yann Croizé, Laurence Wu, Lianghai Hasekamp, Otto Sic, Bojan Brooker, Laure
Several single-platform satellite missions have been designed during the past decades in order to retrieve the atmospheric concentrations of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG), initiating worldwide efforts towards better monitoring of their sources and sinks. To set up a future operational system for anthropogenic GHG emission monitoring, both re...
Lanzillotta, Lorenzo
Les travaux menés durant cette thèse s'inscrivent dans le cadre du développement d'instruments de métrologie pour la mécanique des fluides, notamment dans le domaine de la visualisation des écoulements.La BOS3D (pour Background Oriented Schlieren 3D) est une technique capable de fournir des champs 3D instantanés de densité ou de température. Dévelo...
Huard, F. Choukri, F. Raclot, Damien Pépin, Yannick Chikhaoui, M. Naimi, M. Korkot, H. Yassin, M.
Les études locales de l'impact du changement climatique nécessitent des projections climatiques à haute résolution spatiale. Dans le cadre du projet de recherche ALMIRA, les agronomes et hydrologues souhaitent intégrer à leurs modèles des projections climatiques afin de caractériser le fonctionnement du bassin versant du Tleta à l'horizon des année...
Mitja, D. Delaître, E. Santos, A. M. Miranda, I. Coelho, R. F. R. Macedo, D. J. Demagistri, L. Petit, M.
Published in
Environmental Management
When the Amazonian rain forest is cut to create pasture, some of the original vegetal species survive clearing, even expressing their ability to invade agro-systems. It is true of the babassu palm, which can be considered, paradoxically, a natural resource by the “Interstate Movement of Babassu Fruit Breaker Women” or as native weed by land owners-...
Mitja, D. Delaître, E. Santos, M. Miranda, I. Coelho, R. Macedo, D. Demagistri, L. Petit, M.
When the Amazonian rain forest is cut to create pasture, some of the original vegetal species survive clearing, even expressing their ability to invade agro-systems. It is true of the babassu palm, which can be considered, paradoxically, a natural resource by the "Interstate Movement of Babassu Fruit Breaker Women" or as native weed by land owners-...
Mitja, Danielle Delaître, Eric Moreira dos Santos, A. Souza Miranda, I. de Rodriguez Coelho, R.F. Jorge Macedo, D. Demagistri, Laurent Petit, Michel
When the Amazonian rain forest is cut to create pasture, some of the original vegetal species survive clearing, even expressing their ability to invade agro-systems. It is true of the babassu palm, which can be considered, paradoxically, a natural resource by the "Interstate Movement of Babassu Fruit Breaker Women" or as native weed by land owners-...
Mitja, Danielle Delaître, Eric Moreira dos Santos, A. Souza Miranda, I. de Rodriguez Coelho, R.F. Jorge Macedo, D. Demagistri, Laurent Petit, Michel
When the Amazonian rain forest is cut to create pasture, some of the original vegetal species survive clearing, even expressing their ability to invade agro-systems. It is true of the babassu palm, which can be considered, paradoxically, a natural resource by the "Interstate Movement of Babassu Fruit Breaker Women" or as native weed by land owners-...
Mitja, Danielle Delaître, Eric Moreira dos Santos, A. Souza Miranda, I. de Rodriguez Coelho, R.F. Jorge Macedo, D. Demagistri, Laurent Petit, Michel
When the Amazonian rain forest is cut to create pasture, some of the original vegetal species survive clearing, even expressing their ability to invade agro-systems. It is true of the babassu palm, which can be considered, paradoxically, a natural resource by the "Interstate Movement of Babassu Fruit Breaker Women" or as native weed by land owners-...
Lavenne (de), A. Ficchì, A. Goullet, J.
We propose to analyse the potential synergy between spatial and temporal resolutions in a hydrological model. We aim to understand in which situations higher resolutions are needed for better simulation performances.
Commandre, B. En-Nejjary, D. Pibre, L. Chaumont, M. Delenne, C. Chahinian, Nanée
Urban growth is an ongoing trend and one of its direct consequences is the development of buried utility networks. Locating these networks is becoming a challenging task. While the labeling of large objects in aerial images is extensively studied in Geosciences, the localization of small objects (smaller than a building) is in counter part less stu...