Koza, Y. (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH...gmbh (germany), forschungszentrum juelic...technische, rheinisch-westfaelische
In zukuenftigen Fusionsreaktoren des Tokamak-Typs werden die an das Plasma grenzenden Materialien unter transienten thermischen Belastungen wie Edge Localized Modes (ELM), Plasma- Disruptionen und vertikalen Plasma-Instabilitaeten (VDE), lokal mit hohen thermische Belastungen beaufschlagt. Unter diesen Bedingungen koennen Rissbildung, thermische Er...
The following investigations were carried out: Optimisation of the heat storage concept in the form of long-term material testing, charging and discharging cycles with different stratified charging devices and different temperature levels. A 20 m"2 test store was constructed on a GFRP basis which took advantage of the available knowledge on thermal...