We contribute to the vehicle-level analysis of two macroscopic features of the road traffic: capacity variability and capacity drop. In this paper, we focus only on the car-following behavior and leave the part related to lane-change maneuvers for the future research. In particular, we study a simplistic car-following model (Newell's with bounded a...
Mariotte, Guilhem Leclercq, Ludovic Gonzalez Ramirez, Humberto Krug, Jean Becarie, Cécile
The development of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) with en-route navigation systems has opened the door to new traffic regulation policies such as collective route guidance based on social costs, i.e. routes that minimize total travel time. However, a critical element for their efficiency is the compliance of travelers with route recom...
Paipuri, Mahendra Barmpounakis, Emmanouil Geroliminis, Nikolas Leclercq, Ludovic
TRB 2021, Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting - A Virtual Event, Washington DC, ETATS-UNIS, 05-/01/2021 - 29/01/2021
Ameli, Mostafa Shirani Faradonbeh, Mohamad Sadegh Lebacque, Jean Patrick Abouee-Mehrizi, Hossein Leclercq, Ludovic
TRB 2021, Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting - A Virtual Event, Washington DC, ETATS-UNIS, 05-/01/2021 - 29/01/2021
LECLERCQ, Ludovic LADINO, Andres BECARIE, Cécile
This paper presents a new concept for operating traffic management at a sizeable urban scale. The overall principle is to partition the network into multiple regions, where traffic conditions should remain optimal. Instead of monitoring the inflow, like for perimeter control, deviations in regional mean speed compared to a reference value are trans...
Batista, Sergio Ingole, Deepak Leclercq, Ludovic Menendez, Monica
Since the introduction of the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), many traffic control strategies and algorithms have been developed to implement MFD-based perimeter control over a specific urban region. A model-based controller consists of two components: a plant model that represents reality; and a prediction model used to determine optimal co...
Simulation-based traffic impact assessment studies of advanced technologies such as truck platooning need to be carried out to ascertain their benefits for traffic efficiency, safety and environment. To reduce uncertainty in the results of such simulation-based studies, the same simulation studies can be performed in different simulation software. ...
Ameli, Mostafa Lebacque, Jean Patrick Leclercq, Ludovic
This study reviews existing computational methods to calculate simulation-based dynamic network equilibrium. We consider a trip-based multi-modal approach for the dynamic network loading. Mode and path choices are carried out at the same level; therefore, travel times depend on the travel path and the mode attributes of travelers. This study develo...
Ambuhl, Lukas Loder, Allister Leclercq, Ludovic Menendez, Monica
Urban road transportation performance is the result of a complex interplay between the network supply and the travel demand. Fortunately, the framework around the macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) provides an efficient description of network wide traffic performance. In this paper, we show how temporal patterns of vehicle traffic define the per...
AMELI, Mostafa LEBACQUE, Jean Patrick LECLERCQ, Ludovic
This study reviews existing computational methods to calculate simulation-based dynamic network equilibrium. We consider a trip-based multi-modal approach for the dynamic network loading. Mode and path choices are carried out at the same level; therefore, travel times depend on the travel path and the mode attributes of travelers. This study develo...