patrick arnaud, jean odry;
The objective of flood frequency analysis (FFA) is to associate flood intensity with a probability of exceedance. Many methods are currently employed for this, ranging from statistical distribution fitting to simulation approaches. In many cases the site of interest is actually ungauged, and a regionalisation scheme has to be associated with the FF...
Odry, J. Arnaud, P.
Hazards need to be characterised both in temporal and spatial dimensions. When dealing with floods, the availability of data is limited in both extents. On the one hand, the observation periods are generally too short to fully appreciate the shape of the frequency-intensity curve. This problem is exacerbated by the non-linearity of the rainfall-run...
Odry, J. Arnaud, P.
Flood Frequency Analysis (FFA) intends to associate flood intensity to a probability of non-exceedance. Two FFA families can be employed. On the one hand, purely statistical approaches aim to fit a probability distribution to flood observations and to extrapolate this model towards rare events. This kind of solution is limited by the availability o...
Déchaux, Claire Nitschelm, Laure Giard, Lucas Bioteau, Thierry Sessiecq, Philippe Aissani, Lynda
Published in
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
PurposeIncineration is mainly studied when municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment options are assessed in life cycle assessment case studies. A variety of incineration models have been used to create life cycle inventories (LCIs), but they often do not represent the technology and input waste composition of a given incineration situation. This artic...
BAHOKEN, Françoise
L'une des principales familles de solutions apportées à l'objectif de réduction de la complexité de la carte de flux consiste à réduire la résolution des données. Les solutions liées à l'agrégation spatiale conduisent à un changement d'échelle géographique, à la production d'un maillage territorial de niveau régional issu d'une classification fonct...
Caillouet, L. Vidal, J.P. Sauquet, E. Graff, B.
This work proposes a daily high-resolution probabilistic reconstruction of precipitation and temperature fields in France over the 1871-2012 period built on the NOAA Twentieth Century global extended atmospheric reanalysis (20CR). The objective is to fill in the spatial and temporal data gaps in surface observations in order to improve our knowledg...
Garcia, F.
L’estimation d’indices d’étiage est d’une grande importance pour une meilleure connaissance de la ressource en eau disponible et en déduire des règles de gestion de cette ressource et des risques associés. Idéalement, ces indices sont calculés en sites jaugés à partir de longues chroniques de débits mesurés. En sites non jaugés, ces indices doivent...
Rojas-Serna, C. Lebecherel, L. Perrin, C. Andréassian, V. Oudin, L.
This paper examines catchments that are almost ungauged, i.e., catchments for which only a small number of point flow measurements are available. In these catchments, hydrologists may still need to simulate continuous streamflow time series using a rainfall-runoff model, and the methodology presented here allows using few point measurements for mod...
Lebecherel, L. Andréassian, V. Perrin, C.
In absence of streamflow data to calibrate a hydrological model, its parameters are to be inferred by a regionalization method. In this technical note, we discuss a specific class of regionalization methods, those based on spatial proximity, which transfers hydrological information (typically calibrated parameter sets) from neighbor gauged stations...
Khomsi, K. Mahé, Gil Sultan, B. Sinan, M. Snoussi, M.