Manzini, Nicolas Mar, Ndeye Schmidt, Franziska Bercher, Jean-François Orcesi, André Marchand, Pierre Gazeaux, Julien Thom, Christian
Eurostruct 2021, Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures, Padoue, ITALIE, 29-/08/2021 - 01/09/2021
Gramaglia, Marco Fiore, Marco Furno, Angelo Stanica, Razvan
International audience
Serre, Thierry BALON, Alexandre RAGOT-COURT, Isabelle
Les objectifs du projet CO3 sont : Caractériser les comportements de conduite en situation de covoiturage ou non via la dynamique du véhicule, identifier les configurations (caractéristiques des covoitureurs et contextes) les plus exposés à la prise de risque et en comprendre les déterminants par des facteurs sociodémographiques et psycho-sociaux, ...
Mariotte, Guilhem Leclercq, Ludovic Gonzalez Ramirez, Humberto Krug, Jean Becarie, Cécile
The development of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) with en-route navigation systems has opened the door to new traffic regulation policies such as collective route guidance based on social costs, i.e. routes that minimize total travel time. However, a critical element for their efficiency is the compliance of travelers with route recom...
Paipuri, Mahendra Xu, Yanyan Gonzalez, Marta C Leclercq, Ludovic
hEART 2020, 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation - Virtual conference, Lyon, France, 03-/02/2021 - 04/02/2021
Takayasu, Anna Leclercq, Ludovic Geroliminis, Nikolas
hEART 2020, 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation - Virtual conference, Lyon, FRANCE, 03-/02/2021 - 04/02/2021
This paper investigates the accuracy of accumulation estimation at different urban scales, mainly link and network levels. Different methods are compared depending on sensor types, probe vehicles or loop detectors, and historical data availability. Probe vehicles can provide an accurate estimation of the average travel times but only for a given ve...
PAIPURI, Mahendra XU, Yanyan GONZALEZ, Marta C LECLERCQ, Ludovic
The present work proposes a framework to calibrate MFD models using mobile phone data. The three major components to calibrate in the present context include MFD shape, regional trip lengths and path flow distribution. Time dependent penetration rates are estimated by fusing the OD matrix and the Loop Detector Data (LDD). The estimated MFDs are sta...
Henry, Elise Furno, Angelo El Faouzi, Nour-Eddin
Transport networks are essential for societies. Their proper operation has to be preserved to face any perturbation or disruption. It is therefore of paramount importance that the modeling and quantification of the resilience of such networks are addressed to ensure an acceptable level of service even in the presence of disruptions. The paper aims ...
HENRY, Elise FURNO, Angelo EL FAOUZI, Nour-Eddin
Transport networks are essential for societies. Their proper operation has to be preserved to face any perturbation or disruption. It is therefore of paramount importance that the modeling and quantification of the resilience of such networks are addressed to ensure an acceptable level of service even in the presence of disruptions. The paper aims ...