Test report of the melt spreading tests ECOKATS-V1 and ECOKATS-1 CONTRACT FIKS-CT1999-00003 - EX-VESSEL CORE MELT STABIL...
As one of the major tasks of the ECOSTAR project, two large-scale experiments on oxidic melt spreading were performed. The experimental conditions were selected to represent low flow rate of oxidic melt, released with low overheat, so that stop of the spreading process may occur during ongoing melt release, and spreading would be incomplete. Beside...
Das Internationale Standard Problem (ISP) No. 45 ist Teil des ISP Programms der OECD/NEA und zielt auf die Untersuchung des Kernverhaltens in Kernkraftwerken beim Aufheizen und verzoegertem Fluten mit Wasser. ISP-45 wurde als Versuch No. 6 am 13. Dezember 2000 in der out-of-pile Versuchsanlage QUENCH im Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe durchgefuehrt. Ei...
The International Standard Problem (ISP) No. 45 is part of the overall ISP program of the OECD/NEA and is dedicated to the behavior of heat-up and delayed reflood of fuel elements in nuclear reactors. ISP-45 is related to the out-of-pile bundle quench experiment QUENCH-06, performed at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK), Germany, on December 13, 200...