Hemmer, Constance Mullner, Pauline
The INED survey on young adults’ intimate relationships is the first French survey to focus specifically on the sexuality and couple relationships of 18-29-year-olds. Its objective is to capture the diversity of relational and sexual experiences in youth, beyond the first partner and the first spouse. The survey includes questions on 4 types of rel...
Vickstrom, Erik Beauchemin, Cris
The chapter focuses on quantitative surveys of international migration, designed specifically to study the causes and consequences of this form of mobility. General household or labor force surveys do not usually include specific questions about experiences specific to migrants and do not generally sample enough of the rare population of migrants. ...
Demoraes, Florent Sebille, Pascal
En los sondeos de opinión de las grandes metrópolis latinoamericanas, la movilidad cotidiana es la segunda preocupación después de la inseguridad. Una gran mayoría de los habitantes de las ciudades experimentan verdaderas dificultades para desplazarse a diario, y esto es aún más cierto para las clases desfavorecidas relegadas en los barrios perifér...
Demoraes, Florent Sebille, Pascal
En los sondeos de opinión de las grandes metrópolis latinoamericanas, la movilidad cotidiana es la segunda preocupación después de la inseguridad. Una gran mayoría de los habitantes de las ciudades experimentan verdaderas dificultades para desplazarse a diario, y esto es aún más cierto para las clases desfavorecidas relegadas en los barrios perifér...
Hemmer, Constance Santos, Aurélie
Conducted by both INED and INSEE in 2019-2020, the ’Trajectories and Origins 2’ (TeO2) survey is a statistical survey that examines the diversity of populations in metropolitan France and allows researchers to study the influence of migratory origins on individuals’ trajectories. The questionnaire, designed for a face-to-face interview lasting an a...
Hemmer, Constance Breda-Popa, Ruxandra Bergström, Marie
The INED survey on the affective life of young adults is the first French survey to focus specifically on the sexuality and conjugality of young people between the ages of 18 and 29. Its objective is to capture the diversity of emotional and sexual experiences and relationships in youth, when everything remains to be known about these more or less ...
Demoraes, Florent Sebille, Pascal Gouëset, Vincent
This manual describes the instructions for surveyors to apply the household questionnaire survey on sustainable mobility practices in the popular outskirts of Bogotá. This survey was conducted in June and July 2022 as part of the Modural project funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche). Concepts are defined throughout the text as and wh...
Bellis, Gil Thauvin, Patricia Nait Abdellah, Kamel Ragazzi, Sandrina Baril, Elodie Daudré, Léo Taillandier, Lou
La mucoviscidose est une maladie génétique rare, chronique et évolutive, qui s’exprime dès la petite enfance. Face à la gravité de cette maladie, diverses mesures ont été prises en France, dont la création d’un registre assurant le suivi des personnes atteintes et le relevé annuel de leurs principaux indicateurs de santé. Cette enquête sur les parc...
Baron, Julie Lenoir, Julie Santos, Aurélie Charrance, Géraldine Merly-Alpa, Thomas
Plusieurs documents sont généralement associés aux métadonnées des enquêtes, comme le questionnaire, le bilan de collecte, les instructions aux enquêteurs etc. Ces documents sont soit en libre accès sur le catalogue DataIned, soit accessibles sous condition depuis l’application de commande Quetelet-Progedo-Diffusion dans le dossier contentant le je...
Schouteten, Joachim J Llobell, Fabien Chheang, Sok L Jin, David Jaeger, Sara R
Published in
Journal of food science
In line with the increasing popularity of emoji, the need for methodological research into these pictorial representations of emotion remains. The present research contributes to this goal by continuing to establish the meaning of emoji and exploring these according to between-country and interpersonal differences. The emoji (n = 12) were selected ...