Vuillermet, F.
Dans le contexte des changements climatiques actuels, de nombreux cas de dépérissement de la végétation sont observés à travers le monde. Les écosystèmes forestiers méditerranéens français, bien qu'adaptés aux périodes de sécheresse, souffrent aussi de l'augmentation de la fréquence et de l'intensité de ces épisodes. Les objectifs de cette étude on...
Prévosto, B. Gavinet, J. Monnier, Y. Corbani, A. Fernandez, C.
Mixed plantations have been receiving increasing attention for their documented or supposed potential benefits over monospecific plantations. In particular, the use of neighbouring (or nurse) vegetation around target plants can enhance their performance through limitation of the competing herb layer, and can also improve their morphology. Here we e...
Fernandez, C. Monnier, Y. Santonja, M. Gallet, C. Weston, L.A. Prévosto, B. Saunier, A. Baldy, V. Bousquet-Mélou, A.
In contrast to plant-animal interactions, the conceptual framework regarding the impact of secondary metabolites in mediating plant-plant interference is currently less well defined. Here, we address hypotheses about the role of chemically-mediated plant-plant interference (i.e., allelopathy) as a driver of Mediterranean forest dynamics. Growth and...
Prévosto, B. Reque, J. Ripert, C. Gavinet, J. Estève, R. Lopez, J.M. Guerra, F.
Prévosto, B. Ripert, C. Ostermeyer, R.
Les taillis de chêne sont la composante dominante des peuplements feuillus en région méditerranéenne française. Cependant, leur régénération est incertaine en particulier pour les taillis les plus âgés. Pour favoriser cette régénération et mieux connaître leur croissance, un dispositif expérimental avait été installé en 1985 dans un taillis avec ré...
Monnier, Y. Prévosto, B. Ripert, C. Corbani, C. Fernandez, C.
Question: How do forest microhabitats impact seasonal microclimate conditions and phenological seedling strategies in two co-occurring Mediterranean Quercus species with different leaf habits? Location: Pinus halepensis woodlands, Provence, SE France. Methods: Ninety sets of three acorns of Quercus ilex (evergreen) or Quercus pubescens (winter-deci...
Willaume, Magali Pagès, Loïc
Published in
Annals of botany
The parallel between apical sugar concentration and root growth patterns, and the correlations between hexose concentration in root apices and their growth rate, support the hypothesis that the response of root growth to aerial periodic growth and defoliation treatments is largely controlled by carbohydrate availability.
Prévosto, B. Monnier, Y. Ripert, C. Fernandez, C.
The use of shelterwoods to favour the development of natural or underplanted seedlings is common in temperate forests but rare in the pine forests of the Mediterranean area. Our aim was to assess the use of shelterwoods in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) woodlands in southern France to promote the survival and growth of two co-occurring oak species:...
Viscosi, Vincenzo Lepais, Olivier Gerber, Sophie Fortini, P.
In this study, leaf morphology was assessed in a mixed oak stand (western France) using two geometric morphometric (landmark and outline) datasets and one dataset of 19 leaf measures. Adult oaks (817 oaks), comprising four white oak species (Quercus petraea, Q. robur, Q. pubescens and Q. pyrenaica), were sampled for DNA extraction and genetic analy...
Curt, T. Adra, W. Borgniet, L.
Regeneration by seeds for cork oak (Quercus suber) and companion oaks (holm oak Q. ilex and downy oak Q. pubescens) is likely to be poor in the fire-prone Maures massif (southern France) but the causes are poorly known. Our objective was to assess the effective recruitment for these three oak species and their temporal pattern of recruitment, in or...