Uma nova liga de cavalheiros extraordinários? A profissionalização dos estudos acadêmicos de direito internacional nos P...
The principle of territoriality is often invoked as a self-evident, universally acknowledged concept in various areas of the law. Yet, there is not one, but several principles of territoriality. Not only does territoriality have different meanings in different disciplines, but it is sometimes understood differently within each discipline as well. T...
The European Convention on Human Rights is a living instrument that is to be interpreted in line with present-day conditions. This concept is of particular importance when the European Court is faced with examining the human rights consequences of climate change. As the ECHR does not explicitly cover the climate, such an examination must be done th...
Through an analysis of the use of drones, Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi explores the ways in which, in the context of counterterrorism, war, technology and the law interact and reshape one another. She demonstrates that drone programs are techno-legal machineries that facilitate and accelerate the emergence of a new kind of warfare. This new model of warf...
This thesis considers the nature and use of purposive legal reasoning in international law, and the particular role it plays in the law of international organisations (IOs). I begin by examining the concept of purpose, the multiple levels of abstraction at which it is identifiable, and the different ways it is operationalised in international legal...
This contribution intends to pay a tribute to REDI in its seventy-five-year anniversary (1948-2023). The phases it has gone through are born out of the circumstances, both external and internal. However, the most relevant ingredient has been and will always be the community it upholds, those who have made its very history come true. Today's REDI de...
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are specifically designated zones of restricted human activity, based on ecological, biological, or socioeconomic factors. Since the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in December 1982, states and international organisations have increasingly utilised the MPAs as a tool for environ...
La négociation est une institution fascinante du droit de l’investissement, polyvalente et multifonctionnelle. L’étude systématisée de la négociation dans le droit de l’investissement fait ressortir que cette institution est plus qu’un simple moyen permettant de parvenir à des accords. En réalité, la négociation est partout dans le droit de l’inves...
Le régime juridique de protection des investissements étrangers dans sa forme actuelle est le résultat d'un grand nombre de développements historiques, juridiques et économiques. Aujourd’hui, la clé de voûte de ce régime est le mécanisme de règlement des différends entre investisseur et État basé sur traité (RDIE), un dispositif judiciaire permetta...
The purpose of this thesis is to determine the meaning of the necessary prerequisite attack in the international core crime crimes against humanity. Based on this, the thesis also aims to determine how a Swedish court should interpret the necessary prerequisite attack. Lastly, the thesis aims to assess the necessary pre-requisite attack from an ext...