Razo González, Angélica María López Gonzalez, Martha Patricia
Identity is personal elaboration built based on interaction within sociocultural historical context. The masculinity identity has its foundation in gender roles, which influence and determine the behavior of men. The main aim is analyze the psychological meaning of masculine identity in men of different generations. The mixed methodology, applied s...
Razo González, Angélica María Flores Monroy, Carlos Alejandro Martínez Mondragón, Mariam Eleany Sánchez Mendoza, Benjamín-Dario
Influences of the sociohistorical context and the course of life are fundamental axes to understand the constituent elements of masculinity, in men of 2 generational cohorts (baby boomers and millennials). Main is to analyze how the masculine identity is built, identifying its constituent elements, and how it is transformed in the course of life. A...
Marotta Méndez, Ana Cecilia de los Santos Zabala, Noelia Di Fabio Pereda, Chiara Fuhrman Fuentes, Daniela Martiarena, Mayra Pierri, Lucía Spezzano, Analia
La suspensión de la presencialidad escolar durante el período de confinamiento por motivo de la pandemia por COVID 19 alteró la vida cotidiana de las familias uruguayas y generó desafíos para el acompañamiento educativo de las infancias. Este artículo analiza las experiencias de las familias en este período, haciendo énfasis en la organización de l...
Favara, Jésica Verónica Moreno, José Eduardo
Objective: This study evaluates the prioritization of values in adults from the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina, according to gender and stage of adulthood. Method: 790 adults between 18 and 65 years old were evaluated using non-probabilistic sampling. Results: The total results showed a priority for the terminal values of happiness, h...
Pinazo Hernandis, Sacramento
El envejecimiento de la población en la Comunidad Valenciana plantea retos que se deben abordarcon urgencia, sobre todo en las zonas rurales. 297 municipios del interior tienen una tasa de envejecimientomayor del 20 %. De entre estos, 52 municipios están en riesgo de despoblación.La clave del envejecimiento exitoso es mantener el equilibrio entre c...
Veríssimo Veronese, Marília
O artigo aborda a articulação entre a saúde mental, as práticas econômicas solidárias e a produção de arte e cultura, na perspectiva das potencialidades que tal complexidade apresenta. A arte é tanto veículo para a promoção de uma subjetividade mais autônoma, como para gerar valor econômico para os usuários. Observou-se, através de pesquisa qualita...
Delgado Reyes, Andrés Camilo González, Valentina Carreño Bustamante, María Teresa
The armed conflict in Colombia has left consequences on mental health that have been documented by different investigations; Faced with this problem, the Colombian State has issued different regulations that seek comprehensive health care for the population that is victim of the armed conflict. The objective of this reflection article is to confron...
Tannous Dib, Paula Neves Kawakami Gonzaga, Domitila Shizue Guanaes-Lorenzi, Carla Borges, Lenise Santana
Based on social constructionist research, we understand that meanings and actions are built through language. As the cinema composes the network of meanings of social life, the objective of this research is to describe and analyze representations and discourses about lesbianity in the Brazilian film A Partilha (2001), about the character Laura. For...
De Faria, Lucas Luís Martins, Catia Paranhos
Abstract This text synthesizes part of the exercise of living, feeling and thinking from the boundaries between Social Psychology and Indigenous Movement(s). We aim to understand the historical process of mobilization of the Indigenous Movement(s) in Brazil, from the 1970s onwards, and to discuss the potential for dialogical de(s)colonization betwe...
Ribeiro, Julyanna De Melo Oliveira, Érika Cecília Soares Fernandes, Saulo Luders
Abstract This article starts from the writing of a rural woman’s life, understood from the decolonial theories and the subaltern feminisms. It is the interlacing of the speaker’s and the researcher’s memories that bring narratives about their subalternized existences and the breaches made by them in the everyday relationships with their rural terri...