Rehnberg, Annika Ragnar, Kristina
Ordspråk har fyllt många olika kommunikativa syften utifrån ett historiskt perspektiv, och vi stöter på dem bland annat i skönlitterära verk, sagor, fabler och sägner. Förr i tiden mötte elever sagor och fabler i svenskundervisningen på ett helt annat sätt än vad de gör idag som då lärde elever om etik, moral och konsekvens. Studiens syfte är att b...
Fan, Xichun
Published in
Journal of psycholinguistic research
Kotowaza were created by gaining experience and through recurring events over the years of existence of the Japanese people. The purpose of this study is to conduct a qualitative analysis of Japanese kotowaza in cognitive-linguistic discourse to divide idioms into categories and groups with specific sociocultural features. The paper focuses in deta...
Leguy, Cécile
In a region that has been suffering from persistent drought for several decades, which is irreversibly causing the advance of desertification, the rainy season is anxiously awaited. The late arrival of the first rains or their irregularity, so often observed, are the subject of numerous ritual practices, whether they are expressed in the form of or...
Shhaiber, Reem Haider, Ahmad S.
Several platforms, such as Netflix, offer subtitles of different works and movies in several languages, including Arabic and English. In this study, the researchers discuss the strategies used to overcome the challenges subtitlers face when translating Egyptian idiomatic expressions and proverbs into English. A parallel corpus of four movies, namel...
Sánchez-Pérez, María
Nous étudions et analysons trente-cinq proverbes espagnols qui ont été adaptés au judéo-espagnol dans le journal séfarade El Amigo de la Famiya. David Fresco, son directeur, signale dans certains cas qu’il lui a été impossible de les transposer correctement d’une langue à l’autre en raison des difficultés qu’il éprouvait à trouver les termes adéqua...
van Huis, Arnold
Published in
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine
In sub-Saharan Africa, there is a wealth of information about insects which is often only orally available. The purpose of the study was to remedy this shortcoming and make an overview of how orthopteran species are utilised, perceived and experienced in daily life across sub-Saharan Africa. Ethno-entomological information on Orthoptera in sub-Saha...
Nunes, Quentin Olivier Branco Marques, Elizabete Aparecida
This study discusses the proverbs in the tale “O Burrinho Pedrês” from the book Sagarana by João Guimarães Rosa. It also analyses the translations of these proverbs in the French version “Le petit âne jaspe” from Sagarana, translated by Jacques Thiériot. The study shows that the proverbs are recurrent in the characters dialogues in the analysed tal...
Roulon-Doko, Paulette Malaisse, François
L’objectif du présent article est de mettre en évidence la richesse des proverbes concernant les fourmis. En premierlieu, l’ancienneté et l’importance du sujet « fourmis » sont soulignées. Ensuite, les proverbes énoncés en Afrique sont repris par ordre alphabétique des langues concernées. Au total, 71 proverbes figurent dans le présent article ; il...
Khasandi Telewa, Vicky Makoni, Sinfree Bullock Bade, David
Examining references to proverbs in African political discourses in light of Integrational semiology and Southern Theory, we find not fossils of ancient wisdom but the creative construction of desired futures that may grow out of the present situation in light of what has been learned from the past. Proverbial discourse, always speaking to the pres...
van Huis, Arnold
Background: In sub-Saharan Africa, there is a wealth of information about insects which is often only orally available. The purpose of the study was to remedy this shortcoming and make an overview of how orthopteran species are utilised, perceived and experienced in daily life across sub-Saharan Africa. Method: Ethno-entomological information on Or...