Le médiévalisme de l’État islamique, ou le fantasme de la guerre des origines
National audience
National audience
International audience
The largely surveyed experiences of white American middle-class women during World War II contrast sharply with the experiences of African American women. A look at home-front propaganda campaigns highlights the absence of Blackwomen from mainstream propaganda. Yet, photos by and about black women during the war that can be consulted at the archive...
International audience
International audience
The largely surveyed experiences of white American middle-class women during World War II contrast sharply with the experiences of African American women. A look at home-front propaganda campaigns highlights the absence of Blackwomen from mainstream propaganda. Yet, photos by and about black women during the war that can be consulted at the archive...
Loin de se limiter aux champs de bataille, la Grande Guerre se livre aussi, à l'arrière et dans les pays restés neutres, au nom de la civilisation ou de la Kultur contre la barbarie adverse. De la dépêche au pamphlet, de l'affiche à la conférence, du théâtre au cinéma, du jeu pour enfants à la publicité, tous les vecteurs culturels sont mobilisés p...
International audience