de Souza, Lucas Selezio
[ES] Los desplazamientos son un fenómeno constante en la historia de la humanidad y adquieren una nueva trascendencia en un mundo marcado por la globalización. Los fenómenos locales a menudo están interconectados con una tendencia global y nos permiten entender la pervivencia de dinámicas establecidas históricamente. En este sentido, cabe aquí cues...
Brunet-Navarro, Pau Gilabert Sanz, Salvador Monleón Doménech, Melchor Redón-Santafé, Miguel Hermoso, Eva Sánchez-González, Mariola Luengo, Emilio Mandrara, Zaratiana Gominho, Jorge Oliver Villanueva, José Vicente
[EN] Economic profitability of harvested softwood in Southwestern Europe is limited for low quality logs. Some social and environmental consequences of low incomes of rural activities are rural depopulation and accumulation of biomass in unmanaged forests. The energy efficiency of buildings could be improved as construction material employing local...
As atividades de comunicação que suportaram, em passado recente, o processo de transferência de tecnologia (TT) na Embrapa não parecem manter nível adequado de eficiência e efetividade. As mudanças em elevada velocidade que vêm acontecendo nas cadeias produtivas, o acirramento em nível mundial da concorrência e a disponibilização de tecnologias mai...
Silva Nascimento, Jaqueline Jardi Bezerra, Gleicy Schlindwein, Madalena Maria Padovan, Milton Parron
Family farming has a huge socioeconomic importance in Mato Grosso do Sul, accounting for a significant portion in generating jobs and income in the state. It stands out in the category local development, minimizing rural exodus and promoting food and nutrition security. Even so, different organizations representing farmers report that this sector f...
Ramírez, Leila N. Otálvaro A., Ángela M.
agricultural production chains with potential to achieve regional prosperity and is encouraging initiatives, among which is the creation of clusters to assist in at attaining this objective. This research seeks to make explicit the methodology used to clearly define the competitive capacities of the different regions where passion flowers (exotic f...
Loubelo, Enoch
Les produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL) font partie des ressources naturelles dont la population congolaise a recours pour diversifier ses activités productives et améliorer ses revenus. Ces produits font partie essentielle des différents menus ; ils garantissent la diversité, la qualité et l’accessibilité des aliments à une grande majorité de l...
Spohr, G Silva, T.N. Viana, J.G.A Cartes, G.S. Fornazier, A.
The objective of this study is to examine, in a comparative way, the applicability and the perception of the producers of Dom Pedrito (Brazil) and Cunco and Vicun (Chile) facing the cattle traceability system. The universe of the survey consisted of ten producers in the municipalities of Cunco and Vilcun, and ten producers in the municipality of Do...
Celata, F. Rossi, U.
Published in
International Encyclopedia of Human Geography
Cassiolato, José Eduardo
Proceedings of the Second Globelics Academy, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 May - 3 June 2005.
Huisman, W. Venturi, P. Molenaar, J.