Hjelholt, Morten
Digitaliseringen har gennem de seneste årtier transformeret næsten alle aspekter af vores samfund, fra den måde vi kommunikerer på, til den måde vi forvalter vores demokratiske institutioner. Denne forandring har ikke kun medført teknologiske forandringer, men også rejst nye spørgsmål om magt og styring i mødet mellem borgeren og staten (Schou & Hj...
Sadullahi, Suad
This thesis focuses on the stories of activists in Kosovo and why and how they resist in a context where powerful actors increasingly use strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP) as a new mode of exercising power. The thesis seeks to understand resistance and new ways of exercising resistance in the context of SLAPP. Resistance is co...
Malm, Tindra Mollin, Madeleine
The study aims to find out how educators in preschool reason about how they give children the opportunity to participate and influence the planned teaching. Since the preschool's governing document touches on these concepts to a large extent, we want to investigate with our study how this is made possible in the preschool's organisations. The study...
Bouquillion, Philippe Ithurbide, Christine Mattelart, Tristan
While most major global digital platforms have more users in the Global South than in the Global North, the issues they raise are usually studied from the perspective of North American or West European experiences, and much less frequently from the perspectives of the countries of the South. This central paradox of the emerging research field on di...
Nkambule, Bongani Innocent
Published in
Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education
Sustainable Development Goal No 4 (SDG4) resonates with all education systems of the world. It has resulted in education policies being created and promulgated with sustainability and development in mind. In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), sustainability speaks to the need for schooling systems to operate as a knowledge socie...
Granados Rivera, Nancy Paola
[ES] Con la propuesta artística para la concientización del Gaslighting y las secuelas de este abuso psicológico, se reflexiona y se concientiza a través de la producción artística en base al análisis e investigación acerca de la manipulación, el control y perdida de la personalidad en las mujeres víctimas del maltrato y las secuelas en su vida a p...
Kalindi, Audrey M Houle, Brian Smyth, Bruce M Chisumpa, Vesper H
Published in
BMC pregnancy and childbirth
The role of gender inequities in women's ability to access maternal health care has mainly been analysed from either women's or men's perspective only. In this article, we explore the role of gender inequities in maternal health care utilisation from both men's and women's perspectives. Thirty-six interviews were conducted with reproductive age wom...
Boyce, Kisha
“We are accustomed to thinking in terms of prejudice against women, against people of color, against other groups that are “targets of prejudice”, as we call them, in Western society, and weaccept the idea that struggles against sexism and racism have been going on since the eighteenth century and will have to keep going on if these prejudices are ...
Ithurbide, Christine
This article studies the localization and expansion process of the American e-commerce company Amazon in India analyzing how it has been acquiring a dominant position in different markets and contributing to reminiscent of earlier communication ‘empires’. Emphasizing also necessary alliances, collaboration and interdependencies with other local pla...
Majambu Mudibu, Eliezer
Avec la prise en compte croissante de l’importance des forêts tropicales dans les dé-bats sur le changement climatique via notamment l’adoption de l’initiative internationale REDD+ (Réduction des émissions issues de la déforestation et de la dégradation des forêts), la lutte contre la déforestation est devenue un leitmotiv des acteurs des politique...