Pérez García, Juan Carlos
[EN] This paper analyzes and compares some contemporary art projects about the memory of the mass graves of the Spanish Civil War and the Franco dictatorship, in the Spanish context (2000-2024) of the cultural battle for historical memory. They are works carried out since the first decade of the 21st century to document the exhumation of mass grave...
Geiser, Myriam
L’œuvre d’Anne Weber se distingue par une poétique franco-allemande spécifique impliquant des procédés créatifs d’auto-traduction, un emploi innovant de modèles génériques et une perspective transculturelle. L’autrice publie systématiquement une version allemande et une version française de ses livres. Le texte dont il est question ici, Vaterland /...
Geiser, Myriam
International audience
Chamayou-Kuhn, Cécile
Textes issus du colloque "Explorations postmémorielles: formes, enjeux, perspectives / Postmemoriale Erkundungen: Formen", visioconférence, 9-12 juin 2021 / organisé par le CERCLL - Université de Picardie / International audience
Domínguez Prats, Pilar
The article presents a reflection on the transmission of family memory during the Republican exile, its impact on individual remembrances and on the political trajectories of women of the second generation of exile. We use the oral accounts of two women, Luisa Libertad Fernández Lafuente and Ludivina García Arias, who lived in a transnational conte...
Moreno Pellejero, Ariadna
Chantal Akerman apreciava que Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975) tractava sobre la pèrdua, sobre la nostàlgia del ritual perdut a la llar. Es podria dir que la directora, amb el seu cinema, buscaria la veritat del passat familiar que no va arribar a conèixer directament, però les petjades del qual sent en el seu cos com a fi...
Guillén Bañuls, María
[ES] El trabajo titulado Haciendo memoria. Una mirada hacia la recuperación de la identidad pretende profundizar en la recuperación de la memoria genealógica desde el recuerdo de mi abuela. Sus luces y sombras. Para ello, llevaré a cabo un mapa personal que cuenta la historia de un pasado a través de una colección de fotografías, cartas y objetos s...
Strand, Mattias
Published in
Culture, medicine and psychiatry
Much has been written about the multifaceted significance of food and eating from an anthropological perspective; the same can be said about the role of food in collective identity construction and nation building. In contrast, the nexus of food, memory, psychological trauma, and disordered eating has been less explored. The aim of this interdiscip...
Lacoue-Labarthe, Alice
International audience
Cenedese, Marta-Laura
Irène Némirovsky’s novel Suite française is an emblematic case study in the evolving dynamics of creation and reception, and the way in which processes of circulation are shaped and complicated by temporal factors, changing contexts, and shifting cultural and political horizons. In this paper, I concentrate on the 2015 film adaptation, Suite França...