Küster, Hansjörg
Published in
Studia Historiae Oeconomicae
The development of woodland was influenced by different management since some thousands of years. During prehistoric times settlements were founded and given up after some decades. In connection with this, a secondary succession of woodland took place. The spread of beech in Central Europe was favoured and some other tree species expanded in other ...
Couillebault, Quentin Kaniewski, David Ferreira Domínguez, Alba Otto, Thierry Luce, Frédéric Boetto, Giulia
Highlights: Two Roman shipwrecks and artefacts from the Pula harbour were studied; Pollen extracted from pitch, a coating applied to ships; The pollen records suggest different Eastern Adriatic ecological landscapes; Juniper and pine, two main components of pitch, are dominant in the analyses; The pollen grains are related to the areas of productio...
Wehlin, Joakim Ljunge, Magnus O. Larsson, Petter I. Dögg Eddudóttir, Sigrún Ekblom, Anneli Eriksson, Jemt Anna
The archaeological evidence of a sedentary hunter-gatherer society during the early metal ages, i.e. the frst and second millennia bce, in the central Scandinavian boreal inlands has previously been overlooked. In order to gain a deeper understandingof these past societies we have combined archaeological data with landscape-scale changes based on p...
Charenko, Melissa
Published in
Journal of the history of biology
This article examines how geologists, botanists, and ecologists used pollen as a proxy for past climates in the first half of the twentieth century. It focuses on a particular challenge of measuring climate with pollen: pollen's mobility. As scientists came to learn, pollen from some vegetation is more mobile than others. Pollen's differential mobi...
Islam, Md Khairul Lawag, Ivan Lozada Green, Kathryn J Sostaric, Tomislav Hammer, Katherine A Lim, Lee Yong Locher, Cornelia
Published in
Current research in food science
This study reports on the analysis of eleven Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) honeys, of which nearly half (n = 5) were re-classified as Blackbutt (E. patens) honey on the grounds of the predominant flower pollen identified by melissopalynology. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the honeys' physico- and phytochemical characteristics and antioxidant...
Ponciano, Giuliana Feil May, Dayane
Os grãos de pólen coletados por abelhas podem servir de ferramenta para identificação de espécies vegetais, assim como ajudam a esclarecer a relação existente entre polinizadores e a flora local. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o perfil botânico do pólen proveniente da abelha nativa Tetragonisca angustula (Jataí) e identificar quais...
Schwörer, Christoph Gobet, Erika van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F. N. Bögli, Sarah Imboden, Rachel van der Knaap, W. O. Kotova, Nadezhda Makhortykh, Sergej Tinner, Willy
Published in
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
Observing natural vegetation dynamics over the entire Holocene is difficult in Central Europe, due to pervasive and increasing human disturbance since the Neolithic. One strategy to minimize this limitation is to select a study site in an area that is marginal for agricultural activity. Here, we present a new sediment record from Lake Svityaz in no...
Zhang, Dong-liang Li, Yao-ming Li, Kai-hui Ma, Xue-xi Yang, Yun-peng
Published in
Journal of Mountain Science
A pollen study was conducted on an alpine marsh sediment in the Son Kul Basin and was allowed to reconstruct changes in vegetation dynamics and climatic information in the western Tianshan Mountains during the past 2000 years. Pollen diagram reveals that regional vegetation is dominated by alpine meadow in the past 2000 years, being similar with mo...
Henga Botsika Bobe, Karl Bader
La présente thèse a étudié, essentiellement à partir d’analyses polliniques, l’évolution de la végétation en mosaïque de forêt-savane du Parc National de la Lopé (PNL, Gabon Central), en Afrique Centrale Atlantique. Les résultats de la pluie pollinique à partir d’échantillons de surface de marais, disséminés au sein du parc, ont montré (i) la robus...
Kamerling, Ilse M. Schofield, J. Edward Edwards, Kevin J.
Published in
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Analyses of high-resolution pollen data, coprophilous fungal spores, microscopic charcoal and sedimentology, combined with radiocarbon dating, allow the assessment of the impact of Sami and Nordic land use in the region surrounding the winter market town of Lycksele in northern Sweden. Such winter markets were established by the Crown during the se...