Nederveen Pieterse, Jan
Is globalization still a proper descriptor? Does globalization also include satellites and space shuttles in outer space? Recent work widens the definition of globalization: ‘Globalization is the trend of greater worldwide connectivity of people over time and the awareness of this happening.’ This shift of emphasis to connectivity as the driving fo...
Hoston, Germaine A
This article analyzes the remarkable congruence between the ideas of Antonio Gramsci and Mao Zedong regarding the role of consciousness, human will, and culture in socioeconomic change. These spiritual and humanistic concerns that are central to philosophical idealism were prominent in the young Marx’s writings, to which neither had access. Yet bot...
Celik, Axel Ljubicic, Anton
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate climate adaptation plans in all municipalities in Norway. Climate adaptation plans at the municipal level have become increasingly necessary, despite this, the work between municipalities differs greatly with some doing more than others. Previous research has suggested that population size is one of the ...
Svensson, Erik
This study aims to examine and compare the positions of the Moderates and the Sweden Democrats in issues regarding immigration and integration between 2014-2022. Using qualitative methods, the analysis focuses on the election manifestos of both parties during this period. Drawing on theories such as political framing, mainstreaming and political co...
Ericsson, Lovisa
Has the democracy index of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Poland, and Romania increased since joining the EU? The EU is claimed to be the biggest union of democracies, but after recent reports suggested that the EU is facing an autocracy trap, the question of whether the EU can act as a democracy promoter arose. By using V-Dems dataset to measu...
Lundin Blomqvist, Nils
This study aims to examine how systemic constraints such as external pressures from other major powers from the traditional West shape Chinese engagement in Ethiopia, as well as how Chinese alignment with BRICS aims might shape their approach. The factor of the Ethiopian domestic landscape is also strived to be analysed, since the study aims to add...
Hovhannisyan, Torgom
This thesis examines the autocratization of Venezuela from 2010 to 2023, focusing on the democratic de-consolidation process through the analytical framework of Juan J. Linz and Alfred Stepan's consolidation theory. The study utilizes the five arenas of democratic consolidation: civil society, political society, rule of law, state apparatus and eco...
Sandberg, Kajsa
Over the past decade, a new form of governance has become increasingly popular in Sweden: collaborative partnerships between civil society organisations and public actors (idéburna offentliga partnerskap, or IOPs). IOP is a form of cooperation in which public and civil society actors work together on equal terms, pooling their unique resources and ...
Tsouvalis, Judith Little, Ruth Fajardo-Escoffie, José Hartley, Susan E. Rose, David Christian Ambrose-Oji, Bianca de Boon, Auvikki Maderson, Siobhan Urquhart, Julie
Karlsson, Anton
This study investigates the reception of Russian strategic narratives on the issue of weapons deliveries to Ukraine. It addresses reception by inquiring how a Swedish political elite contests Russian strategic narratives through practices of countering, adopting, and rejecting. By focusing on contestation, the study sought to widen the understandin...