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with Political Disaffection as keyword
Gourgues, Guillaume Mazeaud, Alice Nez, Héloïse Sainty, Jessica Talpin, Julien
Le mouvement des Gilets jaunes a été l'occasion d'ouvrir un débat, en France, sur les aspirations démocratiques des citoyens. Cet élément contextuel récent remet en lumière certaines controverses scientifiques concernant les ressorts de la désaffection des gouvernés vis-à-vis des institutions politiques dans les sociétés contemporaines, sur lesquel...
Muñiz, Carlos
It is common to find in many democratic countries more and more citizens away from politics, with distrust in institutions and even delegitimizing the political system. There are several factors that may determine this political disaffection, which makes present through manifestations of cynicism, apathy and skepticism. Among them, the possible inf...
Lorente Fontaneda, Javier Sánchez Vítores, Irene
Political disaffection, understood as a feeling of estrangement from and distrust of politics, has recently become a widespread explanation for different phenomena, as well as for apparently contradictory electoral outcomes. In this article, we examine which political parties benefited from political disaffection in the 2011 and 2015 general electi...
Hay, Colin
To what extent do we need a 'second-wave' of writing on depoliticisation to correct the biases of the first and thereby to improve our capacity to gain analytical traction on the dynamic interplay between politicising and depoliticising tendencies in contemporary liberal democracies? In this article I welcome the debate this special issue has opene...
Hay, Colin
To what extent do we need a 'second-wave' of writing on depoliticisation to correct the biases of the first and thereby to improve our capacity to gain analytical traction on the dynamic interplay between politicising and depoliticising tendencies in contemporary liberal democracies? In this article I welcome the debate this special issue has opene...
Verge, Tània
En este artículo se analizan las estrategias utilizadas por los tres partidos políticos españoles de ámbito estatal (PSOE, PP e IU) en relación con la sociedad civil organizada y su evolución en el período 1977-2004. Se demostrará que las estrategias de competición y cooptación cedieron paso a partir de los años noventa a distintas fórmulas de cola...