Vanin, Luís Fernando
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, 2024. / O campo da organização do conhecimento, inserido na área da Ciência da Informação, se dedica ao desenvolvimento de fundamentos e técnicas de seleção, organização, armazenamento, ...
Santos, Jorge Alejandro Massolo, Alba Durante, Santiago
This paper aims to relate two debates about how logic and language influence thought. There is an axis of discussion about whether there exists a plurality of logic or a single logical system as an evaluation criterion for any reasoning context. In linguistics, the debate arising from the strong and weak interpretations of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesi...
Reyes Gonzalez, Alberto Reyes Gonzalez, Andrés Enrique Vanina Odetti, Jimena Valdez Olmos, Fernando Daniel
The helix model of citizen participation is justified as an approach to promote collaboration and active participation of diverse actors in decision-making. This approach is based on theories such as deliberative democracy, pluralism and multilevel governance, which emphasise the importance of inclusive participation and collaboration between diffe...
Hernández cagua, Stee
This article supports the thesis that phenomenology can implicate ontological realism. The article gives three steps to argue this: (1) review the arguments that affirm that phenomenology, being correlationist, is closer to idealism than to realism; (2) review the arguments that affirm that phenomenology when implementing epochéimplies ontological ...
Pereira, Karine Rossi
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, Florianópolis, 2023. / Esta tese aborda a discussão sobre a definição do conceito da categoria de espécie. Conceitos Monistas e Pluralistas são propostos. Os primeiros, descrevem os grupos de organismos que subj...
Soengas Pérez, Xosé Rodríguez Castro, Marta Campos Freire, Francisco
The audiences of generalist television’s newscasts reflect that the viewers’ interests and loyalties are constantly changing. Research shows that several elements influence the success of programs and formats, but in this paper, we draw attention to the factors that determine the credibility of newscasts. We also want to know how pluralism is safeg...
del Palacio Martín, Jorge
This article analyses one of the most important episodes of the ideological and cultural battle between the PSI of Craxi and the PCI led by Berlinguer between the years of 1976-1978: the socialist criticism of the “Hegemony” concept by Antonio Gramsci. Such a criticism was made in the magazine Mondoperaio in 1977 and coincided with the 40th anniver...
Lafont, Cristina
In this essay I address some questions and objections brought about by the contributors to this special issue on my book Democracy without Shortcuts. First, I clarify various questions related to my criticism of deep pluralist conceptions of democracy. Second, I address the difficult question of the completeness of public reason and the practical c...
Fondevila Suárez, Eduardo Velasco, Enrique Escamilla Ugarte, Rafael Ivars Crespo, María del Mar Pinteño, Álvaro Tovar Ochovo, Rubén
Objetivos: Si el dolor es una sensación (relacionado con perturbaciones corporales) o una percepción (relacionado con las diferentes evaluaciones del paciente) es una pregunta que, en principio, la Fisioterapia no tiene la responsabilidad de responder, como tampoco lo es resolver el problema de la consciencia. Sin embargo, el dolor es un fenómeno c...
Guevara Castañeda, Camilo Andrés Alonso Sanabria, Juan David
Recently, pluralism in economics has been the subject of multiple epistemological and methodological debates. This document proposes to distinguish different types of pluralisms and criticize them. The work of the Turkish economist Dani Rodrik serves as a paradigmatic model to explain and criticize pluralisms. These two types of pluralism in contem...