Evidence-based management (EBMgt) is a relatively recent approach to management, developed by Denise Rousseau in a series of articles and in a book that she co-authored with Eric Barends (Barends & Rousseau 2018). It is based on the idea that good-quality management decisions require both critical thinking and use of the best available evidence. In...
Being the victim of a microaggression, that is, a relatively minor act of hostility that targets someone's (marginalized) social identity, can be distressing, but so can merely being in doubt over whether one has been the victim of such aggression. To address this last problem, Regina Rini has proposed a novel understanding of microaggressions that...
Over the years, cases of fraud have been discovered where donors have been lying about their characteristics. The question raised by such cases is what the responsibility of the gamete bank is for the non-medical information provided by the donor. The problem is that extended donor profiles contain a large amount of information about different aspe...
The present dissertation offers an interpretation of the so-called “metaphysical deduction” of the categories (=MD), the chapter of the Kritik der reinen Vernunft in which Kant seeks to establish “the origin of the a priori categories [...] through their complete coincidence” with the “logical functions of thinking” (B159). Generally speaking, then...
The current empowerment rhetoric that is discussed in digital health initiatives is problematic, Nickel et al. argue in a recent article that is published in this journal. They highlight social justice as a crucial value that should be re-engineered in this context. However, they do not take a stand on the relational meaning of autonomy. In this co...
This paper investigates the possibility of an alternative reading Kant’s first text from Die Religion Innerhalb Der Grenzen Der Bloßen Vernunft (1793), Über Das Radicale Böse In Der Menschliche Natur. We argue that an approach which centres the ‘radical’ term in Kant’s argument, rather than treating the text within established ethical boundaries, i...
Embryo-like structures (ELS) are intended for the study of embryonic development without the use of human supernumerary embryos. Scientists working in countries that do not allow research on embryos hope that these structures will replace natural embryos. The interest in ELS is largely based on two misconceptions: the belief that there is a shortag...