La sacralité des eaux. Du paganisme au christianisme. Séance du 22 février 2017
International audience
International audience
This article is focused on the involvement of the Great King of Persia in the making of CommonPeaces in Greece in the 4th century BC. It challenges the orthodox views originating from Isocrates and sharedby some modern historians that the King’s Peace was an instrument of the Persians in their diplomatic controlof Greece from the end of the Corinth...
This article is devoted to the image of a social situation in the eastern parts of the Byzantine Empire during the 5th–7th century, which is to be found in the East Christian hagiographical texts. They cannot be treated as a completely reliable source of information, due to exaggerations and simplifications typical for the genre. On the other hand,...
Published in Der Islam
This article is about a well-known anonymous folk story in the Malay-Indonesian world, called Hikayat Nabi Bercukur (“The Story of Prophet Shaving”), found in various different languages across the region. The only scholarly conjecture about its origin is based on the copy of a Malay manuscript held in Leiden which has been deliberately blackened a...
Cette thèse s’intéresse au récit des guerres contre les Perses et les Parthes dans l’œuvre de Plutarque. Cet auteur grec, qui a vécu entre le Ier et le IIe siècles de notre ère, développe dans son corpus une réflexion plurielle mais cohérente sur les relations entre les Grecs et les Romains, d'une part, et les barbares orientaux, de l'autre. L’époq...
L'événement, d'après Pierre Laborie, c'est le fait lui-même et la trace qu'il laisse dans l'histoire. Au cours de l'Antiquité grecque, les auteurs anciens ont déjà bien compris ce fait : Thucydide voit dans la guerre une succession d'événements qui marquent l'histoire. Elle est menée par des acteurs, Grecs, Perses, Phéniciens ou Romains qui possède...
International audience
Published in International conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION
The history of humanity got from the Persians the first imperial organization, the first process of integration of the conquered ones, the first postal service, the most effective means of communication at the dawn of Antiquity, and also the best organized militarized services. The most special of the Indo-European Antiquity troops was the Royal Gu...
Published in Der Islam
This article aims to contextualize a short Qurʾānic passage – Q 30:2‒5 – with reference to Jewish and Christian materials that have not hitherto been deployed for this purpose. The article builds on the findings of recent scholarship, which reads this passage eschatologically rather than historically, and argues that there are, in fact, two texts t...