Chaparro-Medina, Paola Margarita Cervantes Hernández, Rubén
Introduction:Currently, socio-digital networks are an important means for sexual and gender identity configuration in LGBTIQA+ youth. Through these networks, people's capacity for agency is developed; particularly of young people whose sexual orientation and gender identity are on the borders of the heteronormative matrix. In this qualitative resea...
Johansson, Emilia
Denna uppsats undersöker hur nutida kvinnliga hiphopartister utmanar och omdefinierar traditionella könsnormer genom sina liveuppträdanden. Genom en kvalitativ analys av tre utvalda framträdanden analyseras hur artisternas scenkläder, kroppsliga uttryck och texter används som verktyg för att dekonstruera stereotypa framställningar av kvinnlighet in...
Caignard, Gael
International audience
Philipsen, Bart; 18767;
Dieser Beitrag versucht zu zeigen, dass eine strenge Abgrenzung zwischen einer sprachphilosophischen, Subjekt- und Welt-konstituierenden und ästhetisch-darstellenden Performativität die Singularität von Hölderlins Werdegang verfehlen würde. Die Überschneidungen und die sich immer stärker abzeichnende Kontinuität eines performativen Denkens und Schr...
Cakici, Baki
In the early 2000s, authorities in Sweden and Denmark recognised that their personal identification numbers were about to run out but followed different interventions to resolve the same issue. In this paper, I start from these cases to analyse personal identification numbers as methods for knowing and governing populations. I draw on two assertion...
Reverdy, Thomas
The design and implementation of the French energy efficiency certificate provides an opportunity to test the hypothesis of the performativity of the economic theory associated with the cap-and-trade market-based instrument. The empirical study of its design and implementation, through interviews and regulatory analysis, reveals a progressive dynam...
Ibrahim, Rym
Le lieu privilégié de la diffusion des connaissances académiques restant massivement la salle d’enseignement, l’enseignement de certaines matières peut être amenées à faire l’objet de remises en question critiques – voire d’un rejet militant – de la part des étudiants, signalant par là une certaine vitalité démocratique. Pour notre part, elles ont ...
Yang, Michelle I. C.
Space tourism marks a pivotal shift in humanity's endeavors. It goes beyond traditional travel and embodies a complex interplay of social, technological and economic forces. This article comprehensively explores how these forces combine to shape the landscape of space tourism and position it as a reflection of prevailing social constructs. It explo...
Rodrigues, Phelipe Florez Stribel, Guilherme Pereira Sólis, Dafne Gonzáles
No contexto de fortalecimento do caráter prescritivo e normativo das políticas curriculares, destacando o contexto da Base Nacional Comum Curricular – BNCC, o dossiê apresentado neste artigo “CURRICULO, AVALIAÇÃO E ESCOLAS: tensionamentos entre a norma e performatividade” se constitui como oportunidade de problematização da relação entre currículo ...
Huang, Karen Krafft, P. M.
Published in
Science and Engineering Ethics
Controversies surrounding social media platforms have provided opportunities for institutional reflexivity amongst users and regulators on how to understand and govern platforms. Amidst contestation, platform companies have continued to enact projects that draw upon existing modes of privatized governance. We investigate how social media companies ...